Friday, April 22, 2016

Butter Pecan Ice Cream

Butter Pecan Ice Cream

I can eat butter and cheese, but struggle with things like milk, yogurt, and heavy whipping cream. So to offset this issue, my recipe uses rice milk combined with butter. This creates a creamy texture that is similar to heavy whipping cream, and great for the texture of the ice cream. 
1 cup pecans pieces
1 tablespoon butter
3 cups rice milk
1 cup butter
4 eggs
2 cups brown sugar
2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1. Place the pecans and the 1 tablespoon of butter in a small skillet. Cook on medium heat for about 6 minutes on the stove top while stirring (Or place in the oven on 400 degrees for 6 minutes). Let cool while preparing other ingredients. 
2. Combine all the remaining ingredients into the blender (rice milk, 1 cup butter, eggs,  brown sugar, and vanilla extract). Blend until smooth.
3. Pour the mixture from the blender into a heavy saucepan and cook on low heat for about 7 minutes. (The goal is to cook the eggs in the mixture, and it still remain smooth and thicken just a little. If the eggs start to separate from the mixture and over cook, it may be saved by adding the mixture back to the blender until smooth again.)
4. Add the pecans from step 1 into the cooked mixture.
5. Next add the cooked mixture to ice cream machine. Follow machine directions and process until frozen.

I made chocolate syrup from pecan oil, confectioners sugar and cocoa powder. A little of this and little that recipe! 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Phase 2 is So Challenging!

     Now that I am totally trying to focus and not give in to my bad cravings, Phase 2 of the diet is super hard!  I am craving something sweet or some chocolate. Phase 1 requires four servings of fruit a day, so going from the sweetness of fruits to nothing sweet is challenging.  However, I know that I can do it.  Starting tomorrow, I can have chocolate for breakfast!  So I just have to make it through a few more hours. 
     One of the things that has helped is sparkling water with fruit oils. I am taking it slow though, because I don't want to have a reaction.  I bought some lime, mango, and blueberry flavors (these are fruits that I can enjoy in moderation).  So far, I am doing good.  Also walking is helping.  I'm so excited that I may be able to make some progress with my weight.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Starting Over

Wild Diet-Coffee mixed with Butter and Dark Chocolate Candy
     Well it is hard to believe that it has been almost 2 years since the first time that I started The Fast Metabolism diet. I fell in love with the plan. I have the plan memorized by days, and for the most part have continued to rotate what I eat.  I lost almost 20 pounds the first round!  I went down two dress sizes, and for the most part the inches did not totally come back. It reshaped where the pounds accumulate!  However, the weight slowly came back since I was not focused.  For me, the diet worked best for Phases 1 and 2 of the plan. Phase 3, I normally would gain weight.  Phase 3 is the healthy fat portion of the diet.  So I could eat hummus, tuna, salmon, and healthy oils.  It also was the weekend portion of the diet, so it was easy to splurge. My goal soon became just don't gain weight during Phase 3 and everything will be good.
     During the past two years, I have found out what works and come up with some new food combinations for the week. It has challenged me to find out more about my food intolerances. I also became excited about two other diet plans, and decided to incorporate them into my current way of eating. The first is Joe Cross's juicing plan.  I watched his documentary about how he did just juice for 60 days, and it totally changed his life. I know my body can not survive that long on high concentrations of vegetables and fruits. I also want a plan that I can just do for life. So I made his Mean Green Juice recipe (with a few edits for my food intolerances) and enjoyed it.  I didn't really know how I was going to incorporate his juice, but kept it in the back of my mine. Then I was inspired by The Wild Diet from the ABC show, "My Diet is Better Than Yours" hosted by Shaun T. My hubby and I enjoyed watching the show this January, and the diet seem to target men. So for Valentine's Day, I bought the diet book for my husband. I bought him the hard copy, and got myself a paper copy.  I figured we could learn about all the rules together.  I enjoyed that the book focused on eating fresh healthy ingredients.  So it worked with my values and my food intolerances.  It also discussed intermittent fasting during the day, and having a feast at night.  I finally had a vision of how I could incorporate the 3 plans!
     Three plans would be combined as follows.  I would continue the Fast Metabolism plan for Phases 1 and 2.  However for Phase 3, I would do the Wild Diet intermittent fast and feast. During the fast, I would enjoy some Joe Cross juicing. During the feast portion, I would go back to a regular Phase 3 dinner, but add a dessert.  I also discovered that I could add chocolate to my breakfast during the fast.  This was a dream plan designed just for me!  The good news is that it is working. I have been on the revised plan for about 3 weeks, and I have lost 8 pounds.   

Mean Green Juice and Pecans - Wild Diet & Joe Cross juicing