Wednesday, February 8, 2017

When You Want a Steak!

I stopped eating beef almost 20 years ago!  I used pork as a substitute for years, but recently gave it up too since it started causing shortness of breath.  It sometimes would give me migraines, but the shortness of breath was more serious.  So meals have been really boring.  Now, I think I may have a good substitute for steak!  I truly miss the tough and chewy texture of steak, roasts, and pork chops. I found that slicing the side of a turkey leg and doing a water steam/grill in its broth works really well. 

The key on this journey is to just think WAY outside of the box!  I found that shaping ground turkey like a large piece of steak helps. The texture is still soft though, but it looks nice on the plate.

Ground turkey patty in a rectangle shape with vegetables
Texture success came from using a whole turkey leg and slicing it on the side!  For best results, slice the turkey leg when it is slightly frozen. The legs can also be cooked in crock pot and used like pulled pork to make sandwiches. Legs are usually easier to find, but other cuts probably work too.

Turkey leg sliced into steak with steamed Lacinato kale

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Chili - Version2!

The focus of this chili version is more on the meat and the beans!  It just needs a little sauce to hold them together.  I just used the classic white sauce as the base, added some tomatoes, and so chili powder and salt.  Mission accomplished!

Tomatoes work for me with a few exceptions, but listen to your body and substitute other fruits and vegetables like pears if needed.  The tomatoes must be fresh, no canned tomatoes.  It also has to be the basic variety tomato, or the basic grape tomatoes.  I have tried some other varieties at the farmers market that did not work for me.  Also, I can't eat tomatoes when my levels are high (after an asthma attack or a strong skin reaction skip tomatoes for a few weeks).  My body will tell me if it is not ready for tomatoes.  I start coughing as soon as I take a bite.  Let's make some chili!!!!!!!!!!

1 lb. cooked ground turkey (cook with chopped onions and bell peppers for extra flavor)
1 can kidney or black beans (do fresh, no can if intolerance levels high)
Basic white sauce (recipe here)
1 cup grape tomatoes (blend in food processor - substitute other veg/fruit if you like)
1 TBS chili powder (adjust lower or higher based on taste preference)

Make the Basic white sauce.  Add in the blended tomatoes, chili powder, and salt.  Combine the sauce, ground turkey, and beans.  You have chili.