Monday, August 25, 2014

Celebrating 56 days of the diet!

I did it again!  I completed round 2 of the 28 day diet cycle (56 days).  I actually look at food differently now.  I lost 2 more pounds, so a total of 10.5 pounds.  I wanted to drop 4 pounds, but if I wasn't focused at all I probably would have gained weight.  I am definitely eating more fruits and vegetables now and have more energy.  Also, I am still rotating what I eat.

I have added back a little dairy to my diet, and making sure that I get calcium from my vegetables.  My omelets taste so much better with cheddar cheese sprinkled on top.  I also make sure that I add calcium fortified rice milk to my oatmeal and decaf coffee.  I found the acid in Kefir was a little strong once I added it back to my diet. So instead, I add it to food or dilute it with rice milk.

Wheat and sugar are still very limited in my diet.  I still can't believe how easy it has been to limit these.  Having fruit handy really helps with the sugar craving.  I have found some great substitutes for wheat, so it has been easy to eliminate.  I miss it when grabbing fast food, but started making sure that I order a salad instead.  One day, I ordered a turkey burger and wrapped it in lettuce.  I still enjoyed it, but noticed also how much the bread hid the amount of salt that is added to the burger. 

I nibble and splurge, but proud that I am sticking to the plan overall.  I am starting my next round, and hope to drop 2 more pounds.  Maybe 4 pounds was too high of a goal!  Slowly it adds up, just like gaining.

Fruit is great, but sometimes having some dessert is really important.  Food should be enjoyed.  I changed one of my favorites and enjoy it on Phase 3 days of the diet.  Instead of wheat flour, it uses cauliflower pulp. Sounds weird but it works.  I used pecans because they are one of the few nuts that I can eat, but feel free to substitute walnuts pieces (for 1/4 c.) or almond flour/coconut flour (for 1/2c.).

Cauliflower-Pecan Banana Bread
(or alter to make them Brownies)

1 cup cauliflower pulp (from juicer)
1/2 cup ground pecans (from food processor)
1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
2 eggs
4 bananas (ripe with spots are sweeter)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon (adds flavor, but eliminate if sensitive-this amount works for me)
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 c. pecan pieces (optional)
(add 1/2 cup cocoa powder to change this recipe to brownies)

Prep cauliflower, pecans, bananas, and get oven ready.
1.  It will take about 1/3 of head of cauliflower to make about 1 cup of pulp from a juicer.  If no juicer then place in food processor then drain and dry with paper towels. 
2.   Next, chop the 1/2 cup of pecans in the food processor. It will not be creamy but should start to look like nutty peanut butter that can mashed into measuring cup.
3.  Mash the bananas with a potato masher or fork.
4.  Heat the oven to 350 degrees.  Grease pan and set aside.

Now put it together.
5.  Butter should be room temperature, or melt the butter in the microwave for about 15 seconds.
6.  Cream the butter in a bowl with the mixer. 
7.  Next, add the eggs one at time and blend with the butter.
8.  Add the cauliflower pulp and blend.
9.  Next, add the ground pecans that were prepared from the food processor.
10. Add the mashed bananas and blend.
11.  Add the baking soda, salt, and cinnamon (and cocoa powder if making brownies) to the batter and blend.
12. By hand mix in the vanilla and 1/4 cup pecan pieces.

Banana bread takes about an hour to cook in a loaf pan.  In a rectangular pan for brownies it takes about 45 minutes.  The mixture should bounce when touched when ready, or a fork placed in the center should come out clean when ready. 

These actually taste even better the next day, especially the brownies version (more moist and flavor blends in or I am thinking about cauliflower less!).  So make them ahead if you like.


Monday, August 11, 2014

Great Comb Makes a Difference

Hope your natural hair journey is going well.  Today, I wanted to talk about hair combs for natural hair.  Pictured are 3 combs that I have in my drawer.  Not sure why I keep the traditional detangler.  It worked okay with a relaxer, but now it is just more layers for my hair to wrap around.  Funny, my hair actually becomes tangled in this comb!  The comb on the end is an example of what happens to most of my combs!  Yes, they break.  I have bought about 4 of the broken styled comb in the last few months.  I like the shape, but it doesn't move with my hair. 

My favorite of the group is the wide-tooth comb in the middle by Goody.  I wasn't looking for a comb.  I was in Kroger one day and noticed it.  It is flexible, and made of a softer rubber material instead of hard plastic.  I love this comb!  It bends and stretches with my hair, therefore reducing breakage.

Hate it took me so long to switch! I can see it being around for a while.

If looking for a detangling spray to use with your comb, try Fanuppa's.

Friday, August 1, 2014

De-clutter - Reset!

The focus last month became my new diet, so the declutter project slowly became inactive!  Now that the diet is becoming more routine, I should be able to give the decluttering more focus.  Decluttering is similar to dropping weight.  They both involve getting rid of stuff you don't want.

I also think that declutteriing should be part of a daily home cleaning routine.  So I am going to start my Fly Lady cleaning plan again, and get this done.  I liked the 28 day challenge for weight loss.  So I am going to apply it to the declutter project.  I am pushing reset!

Fly Lady is a fun plan.  You start by doing some "baby steps" daily, and before you know it your house is clean and organized.  Baby steps include putting on shoes and keeping a shiny sink.  I also like watching the Jen videos on cleaning and organizing.  Yes, I am pushing reset.