Friday, August 1, 2014

De-clutter - Reset!

The focus last month became my new diet, so the declutter project slowly became inactive!  Now that the diet is becoming more routine, I should be able to give the decluttering more focus.  Decluttering is similar to dropping weight.  They both involve getting rid of stuff you don't want.

I also think that declutteriing should be part of a daily home cleaning routine.  So I am going to start my Fly Lady cleaning plan again, and get this done.  I liked the 28 day challenge for weight loss.  So I am going to apply it to the declutter project.  I am pushing reset!

Fly Lady is a fun plan.  You start by doing some "baby steps" daily, and before you know it your house is clean and organized.  Baby steps include putting on shoes and keeping a shiny sink.  I also like watching the Jen videos on cleaning and organizing.  Yes, I am pushing reset.

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