Friday, September 26, 2014

Exfoliate for the Season Change

Lavender Sea Salt soap bars
If your skin is like mine, then it is starting to become a little drier with the season change.  I know your first response is slap on some lotion!  However, don't forget to do a key thing that will help with the dryness - EXFOLIATE!  Exfoliation is your friend, and can be accomplished several ways.  You actually do it every day with your terry cloth bath towel.  The soap and water helps to loosen the dead skin.  As you dry your skin, you are removing dead skin with the towel.  However, there are several ways to help loosen the dead skin. 

Soap Pouch
A soap pouch is a tool that you actually insert your soap bar inside.  The multiple layers of textured fabric actually work to remove dead skin.  Also, this a easy way to add exfoliation without actually adding a new product that may irritate your skin.  Soap pouches are a gentle way to exfoliate, and can be used daily.

Sea Salt and Sugar
Sea salt and sugar are available in many products, and are great ways to exfoliate. They are normally mixed with oils and sold as scrubs.  You can also purchase Fanuppa's sea salt soap bars to exfoliate that are available in Lime and Lavender.  The soap bars are less messes, but scrubs and soaps work great.  Exfoliating with sea salt is not as gentle, and should be limited to 2-3 times per week. 

Other Options
The list of ways to exfoliate are endless.  Oatmeal is gentle enough that it can be used daily.  The acid from milk (goat's milk) is also another gentle exfoliation option. Coarse ingredients can be added to soap like coffee grains and cornmeal.   The circular brushes that rotate or manual brushes work great too.  There are also acid peels and other in office treatments.  Just remember if you skin becomes shiny, then you have probably over exfoliated. 

Fanuppa Soaps


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Raw potato for the skin?

Russet Potato
I know it sounds weird, but placing raw potato on your skin is actually a really natural way to heal skin irritations.  Cut a thin slice.  Place the thinly-sliced-raw potato on the irritated area.  Leave the potato slice on the skin for at least 20 minutes.  That is it! 

Why does this works? 
Potatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  They also have anti-bacteria properties, and absorb access oil from the skin.  So give them a try for your skin irritations, dark circles under your eyes, and to lighten scars.

Enjoy your skin!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Twisting Hair with Car Sponge?

This weekend, I was inspired by a video that one of my sisters sent.  The video showed how simple it was to twist your hair with a sponge.  I had actually saw this done a few years ago at a natural hair show.  So I went to YouTube and saw that there were several tutorials on the subjects.  Basically here are the steps:

1.  Purchase a car washing sponge from a automobile shop, or the car section of a retail store. 
2.  Next draw circles onto the sponge that will be used as a guide for cutting.  You can skip this step by purchasing a sea sponge that has holes naturally.  I saw someone on YouTube get similar results from a sea sponge!
3.  Now cut shallow holes in the sponge by following the circles that have been drawn.
4.  Place hair lotion in the hair, then gently rub the sponge in a circular motion.  It is best to focus on a small section of hair for a few seconds, then move to the next section.

It is really that simple, and amazing how quick the hair coils (5-10 minutes to complete).   

Products for those who are sensitive
I recommend washing the hair first.  Looking for a shampoo bar?  Then try Fanuppa's gentle Smoothie shampoo soap bar that is loaded with the natural fruits of pomegranate, pear, and bananas.  The base oil is rice bran oil, so no tree nuts.

For hair lotion, I use Vanicream Light.  I was introduced to it by my dermatologist.  I know petroleum based products are frowned on by those going natural, but this is my back up option when too busy to make my own lotion (recipe) with rice bran oil.  My first goal is no allergic reactions.  It doesn't contain harmful chemicals.  Petroleum blocks moisture, which is good and bad.  It is great for hair frizz, but probably not as great for the scalp.  Regular shampooing and vinegar rinse will offset. 

Fanuppa Soaps

Friday, September 12, 2014

Miss Blogging!

I miss blogging.  I love journaling my thoughts!  Just like most of you, I just have been busy.  Thought I would give you a quick update on each of the topics.

Clean Home
My decluttering project has been on hold.  I have kept the desk neat, but I haven't focused on it in weeks. 

Clean Skin
Personally thanks to my diet and all the water that I drink now, my skin is so much healthier. I still use very little lotion, but I know that is about to change as the season change.  The tip of my nose was a little dry this morning!  I found a new lotion recipe that I just love.  Every time I made a bottle, the kids took it.  If my kids like it, it is a great product.  Taking care of the skin is an internal and external process.  Externally, I am loving my new Fanuppa rice brand and goat's milk soap collection.  It is so moisturizing.  I am also making sure the ph level of my skin stays in line by using the vinegar based Fanuppa toner.

Food Options
Well, you know that I love food.  Proud of the fact that I have been eating better for almost 3 months now.  I feel ten times better, but I keep gaining and dropping the same 3 pounds.  I do great during the week, but weekends are so challenging.  My goal is not to gain weight this weekend.  I'm gaining probably because I haven't been blogging!  I have found a ton of new foods that I can eat, and still be allergy free.  You can still follow my food journal on the TwoGrand app.

Natural Hair
My natural hair keeps me busy.  I shampoo my hair with the nurturing Smoothie soap bar.  I also use vinegar on my scalp.  It helps with dandruff and detangles.  If you can use apple cider vinegar, then grab a bottle with the "mother" in it!  I am sensitive to apples, so I use my Fanuppa version that is rice vinegar based.

I am loving selling my products at the Bellevue Farmers Market every Friday.  I also want to invite you to join me on Saturday, October 11, 2014.  The Bellevue Farmers Market will be all day on Saturday.  This will be a celebration that marks the end of the season that began in May and ends this October.  The market is located in the parking lot of Bellevue United Methodist Church, 7501 Old Harding Road.  

Chat soon,
Fanuppa Soaps