Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My Weekly FMD Chart

I'm trying to make my eating goals more routine and seamless.  I have tons of pictures of what I have been eating on my TwoGrand app.  So, I finally put together a chart of some of my favorites.  It should help me plan better, and eat my favorites more often.  Also drop those extra holiday pounds!  Hope you enjoy.  
Pictures of some of my favorite food combinations for each phase.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Brainstorming about soaps for new year

It is that time of year that I think about one year ending and a new one beginning.  I am happy with my soap business for the year.  I got out and did the farmer's market for several weeks, and did a few craft fairs, and enjoyed online sales.  It was fun and rewarding.  Now I must set some goals for next year. 

  • I will focus on improving packaging.  
  • I will group my products into the following categories: classic collection, hair set, facial set, feet set, sensitive skin collection, and butterfly collection.
-Fanuppa Soaps

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

FMD - Phase 2 - Breakfast

The goal for Fast Metabolism - Phase 2 Breakfast is to eat protein and vegetables.  Having vegetables for breakfast was a foreign concept for me until a few months ago.  A bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit is still my favorite breakfast.  However, it doesn't pass the diet challenge!  I also have to try again and make a biscuit in Phase 3 with gluten free flour. Oat flour for biscuit didn't work that great. Turkey bacon has become my new best friend. My favorite breakfast in Phase 2 is egg white omelet with turkey bacon.  My recipe for Phase 2 breakfast is egg white omelet with turkey bacon.

6 TBS liquid egg white (buy in milk shaped carton at grocery or separate from 2 eggs)
Vegetables of choice (chopped baby kale, red onion, bell peppers, ...)
1 slice turkey bacon (chopped)
1 tsp cheese (a splurge - skip if really true to plan!)
Salt to taste

Place all ingredients in microwavable omelet container (Omelet container is great for steaming and keeping shape of omelet-Makes life easier. Find at grocery store or other retailers). Close the container and microwave for 1 minute and 15 seconds.

Some days I keep the turkey bacon separate and enjoy the crisp of the bacon with the omelet.  Enjoy!

FMD - Phase 1 - Snack

Fast Metabolism Diet and Phase 1 snack is really easy.  I just eat fresh fruit for my snack (no bananas - high in sugar).  The challenge is my sensitivity to salicylates.  My food intolernace (salicylate sensitivity) limits which fruits that I can eat. I can eat golden delicious (yellow) apples.  Ninety percent of the time, that is my snack.  Here is a list of other fruits that I can enjoy - click

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

FMD - Phase 1 - Lunch

Most of us love a good pasta dish. The challenge is making it work for my diet. Gluten-free pasta has become more poplar so it is easy to find brown-rice and quinoa blend pastas.  Now we must improve the sauce.  Pasta is great with alfredo sauce, but how do we make a lower-calorie and dairy-free pasta sauce.  The answer is an updated white sauce!  It is a great base and can be seasoned with onions, garlic, parsley, pesto, little parmesan, bacon bits, and the list goes on. 

WHITE SAUCE (2 Servings - double for family)
1 cup rice milk
2 TBS rice flour
1 TBS butter
1 TBS sunflower oil
Seasonings and herbs of choice (salt, pepper, garlic, pesto, ...)

Combine all ingredients including the seasonings in a sauce pan and heat on high until it begins to boil. Reduce heat to a simmer until the sauce thickens.

Add your cooked chicken or shrimp, broccoli...Enjoy.

FMD Phase 1 - Breakfast

Well, I am trying to get back focused.  So, I'm blogging about some of my favorites in each phase.  I enjoyed a waffle with blueberries this morning.  Phase 1 (Monday and Tuesday) breakfast is a grain and fruit. Yesterday, I had oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast.  Today, I took those same ingredients and jazzed it up a little. 

1/2 cup oat flour (grind dry oatmeal in coffee grinder or food processor or purchase oat flour)
1/2 cup rice milk
1 tsp baking soda
Cooking oil spray (splurge, so limit)

Combine all ingredients.  Spray oil on waffle iron.  Pour batter on the waffle iron.  (If temperature setting option, then set to high for crunchy texture. Otherwise, you get mushy oatmeal texture!)

1/2 cup frozen blueberries

Place the blueberries in a glass or ceramic bowl/cup.  Microwave for 1 minutes and 30 seconds.