Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Reaching my halfway point of goal weight!

     This past weekend, I celebrated as I finally reached the halfway point to my goal weight.  It has been a tough journey, and definitely taking longer than I thought.  However, I am developing some good habits that hopefully I will keep for life.  My goal is to drop a total of 30 pounds.  So to finally drop 15 pounds is really exciting.  I must start working on my upper arms more! 
     For the past few days, I have focused on cutting out sauces and salad dressings that add extra calories.  I also will continue to find weekend events that require walking.  I am still following the Fast Metabolism diet about 90% of the time!  I have started to burn out on eating oatmeal for breakfast, so once a week I have a bowl of cold cereal with rice milk.  Phase 2 - high protein days are still tough, and I noticed that I haven't been eating the right vegetables on those days. 
     So I will continue to look back at the book, to make sure that I am following the plan.  I am also excited to have found some buddies to share diet ideas with.

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