Thursday, July 14, 2016

Banana Pudding

The best Banana Pudding ever!

Making banana pudding from scratch takes patience. I guest that I have developed that over the years! I actually made it. No whipped cream or instant pudding for this one - lol!  Since what I did worked well, I thought I better write it down. Also bananas must be safer cooked for me. I had no reaction - maybe some joint pain this morning but totally worth it.
Custard and Main Base Ingredients
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup flour
Dash salt
3 egg yolks
2 cups milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
5 bananas sliced
Half fresh lime (optional to coat bananas)
45 vanilla wafers (an estimate)
Meringue Ingredients
3 egg whites
1/4 cup sugar
Dash of cream of tartar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
To make the custard, take the dry ingredients (sugar, flour, and salt), and place in a pot with a heavy bottom (prevents scorching). In a separate bowl separate the eggs to get 3 yolks (I just used the place raw egg in hand method over a bowl to let the egg white drain off). Place the 3 egg yolks into the dry ingredients mixture in the pot. Start stirring slowly until it is all wet yellow looking paste. Next, slowly start adding the milk until all mixed together and is a well mixed liquid. Now comes patience. Pull up a chair to the stove (optional!). On medium heat slowly stir the liquid with a large metal spoon until thick (should happen in 10 minutes or less). Take off the heat and add the vanilla extract. Slice the bananas and toss with the fresh lime juice. Now layer the remaining base ingredients into the baking dish. Start with custard, then a layer of vanilla wafers, and then the sliced bananas. Repeat until you run out of ingredients.
Now make the meringue to go on top. Combine egg whites and the cream of tartar first using a n electric mixer. Once a soft foam develops, slowly add the sugar. Beat until stiff. Spoon egg white mixture on top of the banana layered base. Bake in the oven until the meringue is brown - about 20 minutes (I did 10 minutes then rotated, and checked again about every 5 minutes).
Let dessert chill in the refrigerator before serving -if you can wait! 

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