Thursday, November 13, 2014

Declutter the mind

Enjoy quiet time daily, and list your thoughts.
Well, I started the declutter project in June and by July I had stopped.  Then I started again in August, and before I knew it -  I had stopped again.  September and October passed with no focus, and now it is mid-November!  I have been so proud of myself with weight loss and dieting, so I couldn't figure out why this area was so hard to master.  It is funny, since I was such a neat person growing up.

I had given myself motivation. I promised myself that I would decorate the space really cute.  However, I could not seem to stay motivated.  One of the tips in my initial blog about this subject was, "If this step is hard, then spend some more time working on your feelings."  So, step one should have been to declutter the mind!  I am learning that just like cleaning the home, clearing the mind should be a daily task. Wow, I had an aha moment.

One of the things that I did this summer that was really helpful, was to spend 15 minutes being quiet as soon as I woke up.  I would go outside and enjoy the clouds passing.  However with the Fall season, my mornings were busier.  Between getting ready and running the kid(s) to school, sometimes I didn't have 15 minutes.

To master the clearing of the mind step this week, I decided to play spa-like music (Pandora artist station - "Zen Garden").  After the first day, I felt a little calmer but I was also very angry.  I could not explain why I was so angry - no PMS!   The second day, I began the music and I started to cry.  I cried for a few minutes. 

Before this music journey, I thought that I was okay.  Then, I started writing down all the things that were irritating me.  After releasing all my thoughts I actually felt better.  I know that they would not be instantly fixed, but I literally felt like a weight was lifted.  Thankful for my faith, and believing that "trouble don't last always."  I was thanking God each day, but I wasn't listening each day.  I was too busy, just running in circles.

So for the next 28 days (December 8th), I am going to start my day with 15 minutes of quiet time.  I will include a note pad to jot down my thoughts.  I will put decluttering the space on hold for now, as I master step one.  


Monday, November 10, 2014

Straighten Natural Hair

I know it has been a moment since I talked about natural hair.  I am still enjoying the journey.  For the past few months, I have been enjoying my twist outs which required no heat.  However this past week, I decided to straighten my hair so that I could see how long it had grown.  It is hard to really tell the length with the twist out.  This also gave me an opportunity to trim my ends. 

Since the temperature has dropped it is easier to wear it straight.  However, my twist out is even easier and limits the chance of heat damage.  With that in mind, I will probably rotate and wear it straight 1-2 weeks of the month during these cooler months. 

The biggest challenge with wearing it straight is finding an oil that will blocks the moisture in the air.  First step is to moisturize with a water and oil based product, then adding an all oil based product on top.  Since I am sensitive to most oils, what I have found that works for me is rice bran oil combined with just a little beeswax.  If you are not sensitive then you may enjoy coconut, argan, and many other natural oils.

Don't forget I offer hair products on my website that are great for those that have sensitive skin, or just want some all-natural options.  Chat with you soon.


UPDATE:  Thought I would share some growth.  Originally posted Nov 10, 2014 and now Oct 27, 2015.  So almost a year later.  Looks like possibly 3 inches longer in some areas.  Wish it would grow the same all over!  Oh well, still thankful for the growth :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Chocolate - Halloween hangover!

Candy wrapper
Halloween candy can really blow a diet!  I have been on a chocolate binge since Friday.  So for 6 days my body has been really enjoying chocolate.  Thankful that I have never had an issue with smoking, alcohol or drugs, but chocolate must be a similar addiction.  I hide it in my desk and drawers at work, at home, and in my purse!  I love the smell of it, the texture, and definitely the flavor.  I like milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and even with nuts that I shouldn't eat like almonds.  Yes, I have it bad.  Some people may keep an aspirin handy for emergency.  I keep chocolate.

It brought back memories of when my dad passed. I went to the store and basically bought about 10 bags of chocolate.  My mom was looking at me like I was crazy, but I knew it was the only way that I could calm down.  Yesterday, I looked at myself like I was crazy.  I knew it was a combination of hormones, stress, and just the fact that I haven't really had chocolate lately.  I missed it! 

However when you open a bad door, it is so hard to close it.  I know that I need to close the door to chocolate world.  Chocolate world had no boundaries.  We all hate boundaries, but they are there for a reason. I know that I will open the door again, but for now I must close it.  I must say good bye to the caffeine that is not good for my body.  I must say good bye to the sugar and extra calories that are causing my scale to slowly creep upward.  I must say good bye to the pain that it causes to my sensitive gums and teeth. I must say good bye to other things it makes me crave like cheese.

So as of this moment, I am closing the door.  I am opening back the door to a more positive and in control person.  I am saying hello to the female wise owl in the picture (on the wrapper) that I never had time to notice (too busy opening the wrapper and throwing it away).  The real gift is the ability to say, no.  I can do this.  I love chocolate, but I love reaching my goal even more. 

Hope my pep talk to myself helps someone else too. 
