Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Chocolate - Halloween hangover!

Candy wrapper
Halloween candy can really blow a diet!  I have been on a chocolate binge since Friday.  So for 6 days my body has been really enjoying chocolate.  Thankful that I have never had an issue with smoking, alcohol or drugs, but chocolate must be a similar addiction.  I hide it in my desk and drawers at work, at home, and in my purse!  I love the smell of it, the texture, and definitely the flavor.  I like milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and even with nuts that I shouldn't eat like almonds.  Yes, I have it bad.  Some people may keep an aspirin handy for emergency.  I keep chocolate.

It brought back memories of when my dad passed. I went to the store and basically bought about 10 bags of chocolate.  My mom was looking at me like I was crazy, but I knew it was the only way that I could calm down.  Yesterday, I looked at myself like I was crazy.  I knew it was a combination of hormones, stress, and just the fact that I haven't really had chocolate lately.  I missed it! 

However when you open a bad door, it is so hard to close it.  I know that I need to close the door to chocolate world.  Chocolate world had no boundaries.  We all hate boundaries, but they are there for a reason. I know that I will open the door again, but for now I must close it.  I must say good bye to the caffeine that is not good for my body.  I must say good bye to the sugar and extra calories that are causing my scale to slowly creep upward.  I must say good bye to the pain that it causes to my sensitive gums and teeth. I must say good bye to other things it makes me crave like cheese.

So as of this moment, I am closing the door.  I am opening back the door to a more positive and in control person.  I am saying hello to the female wise owl in the picture (on the wrapper) that I never had time to notice (too busy opening the wrapper and throwing it away).  The real gift is the ability to say, no.  I can do this.  I love chocolate, but I love reaching my goal even more. 

Hope my pep talk to myself helps someone else too. 


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