Monday, July 28, 2014

Celebrating 28 Days of the Diet

Pomegranate on stand (my trophy!)
I did it!  I completed 28 days of the Fast Metabolism Diet, and I lost 8.5 pounds.  I enjoyed it so much, that I have decided actually to incorporate the diet into how I eat all the time.  Before the diet, I was not eating enough fruits and vegetables.  So this will actually make me focus on eating better.  Also, I have to rotate what I eat anyway due to food sensitivity.  The diet makes you rotate food (fruit, protein, healthy fat...) every 2-3 days, so it is perfect.    

I gave up dairy for 28 days, and I will add it back to my diet.  Osteoporosis runs in my family, and my Vitamin D level is normally low without prescription supplements.  I found adding kale a good source of calcium, but think my body still needs the easier dairy source.  My goal is to add calcuim and Vitamin D with kefir, which is a healthy almost lactose free option. 

I will continue to keep my wheat and sugar intake limited.  I thought this would be hard but actually found this easy.  I eat more fruit now, so this has replaced my sugar craving.  I actually haven't had chocolate in 28 days!  That is amazing.  In the past, I actually ate chocolate almost every day.  Giving up wheat also hasn't been that hard.  The spelt bread is really good, and I couldn't tell the difference.  I have been eating more things like quinoa and brown rice.  I love rolls and hot water cornbread, but stopped eating them regularly years ago (because of the corn and yeast). 

Other changes included giving up bananas and potatoes.  I miss my bananas!  The book says they are high in sugar.  I will limit my intake of them.  Only using them as a sweetener for fruit sweeten cookies, and I will only add a 1/2 banana each week.  Also, I really miss kettle potato chips.  I had about 4 potato chips this weekend, so I will probably do that each weekend!  I can live without sweets, but potato chips...that is my favorite stress food.  I munched on carrots last week to cope with stress.  The crunch helped, but not the same.  Also, I missed mashed potatoes.  I actually had some this weekend because my schedule was so busy, and I was at an event and starving.

I did not drop any extra weight last week due to stress. Also not totally sticking to the plan, especially the goal of eating every 3-4 hours.  However, I only gained a half a pound.  Normally during a stress week, I would gain about 3 pounds.  So the plan is working. 

Follow what I am eating and journal what you are eating on the Two Grand app (my user name:  fanuppa).  I will update you on my new way of eating at the end of August.  Look for some fun recipes in future blog posts.

Thanks for giving me 5 minutes, 

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