Saturday, July 19, 2014

Week 3 of the Diet!

Salmon and veggies
Well, it will be 3 weeks on the diet this coming Monday!  I am really starting to see a difference in my clothes.  My face is smaller, and also my feet!  I have done Weight Watchers and the South Beach diets in the past.  They both had their advantages.  Weight Watchers forced me to look at my eating habits, and remember things like grapes are more filling than raisins.  South Beach taught me to make dessert out of ricotta cheese, flavoring, and artificial sweeteners.  However, I have to say that the The Fast Metabolism diet is my favorite.  The science behind this diet is really working.

Weight loss seems to happen when I go from phase 1 (high fruit) to phase 2 (high protein).  An example of Phase 3 is pictured.  The focus of Phase 3 is on healthy fats like those found in salmon.  Oils can be added too during Phase 3, that is the only way that I would eat asparagus and mashed cauliflower!  This phase is during the weekend, so it gives you more freedom when you need it. 

Weekends are hard though.  Usually more events and less time to focus on the diet.  My goal this weekend is not to gain weight (like prior weekends). So I must pack a lunch and snack bag just like it is a work day.

So far, I have lost 9-lbs! Hubby has lost 13-lbs!  I am so proud of our accomplishments.  Also, I am eating fruits and veggies now that work with my food sensitivity.  Planning ahead and staying focused.  Hope you enjoy the weekend.

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