Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Soap biz - Goals

Well, last week I started my baby step goals that I wanted to accomplish in each of the key areas of the business.  How did I do?  Well, I am still crawling :)  

The goal is to do baby steps in each of the key business areas because they all work together.

  • Customers/Sales:  Mail a sample and coupon to at least 10 customers who have ordered online in the past (include a second set for them to share with a friend).
    • UPDATE: I made samples to mail, but I haven't mailed the samples yet.  The challenge is creating a flier and literature to mail with the sample.  I need inspiration!  
    • NEXT STEP:  I will go to the mall tomorrow and get some samples for inspiration.  Then I will create the flier/literature, then mail them by July 7th.
  • Business:  a. Work on paperwork that is due in a few weeks. b. Hang up a work schedule for the week.
    • UPDATE:  Good news, I have a work schedule now that is on paper!  It should help me to plan better.  I organized some paperwork, but hate I haven't started.  
    • NEXT STEP:  I have scheduled to work on the paperwork this weekend.

  • Product:  Place log sheet in a binder so it is easier to access when creating products.
    • UPDATE:  I have the sheets printed.
    • NEXT STEP:  I will buy a binder to hold the log sheets.
  • Connect:  Make at least 25 sample bags to hand out to potential customers.
    • UPDATE:  I have the bags and samples.  
    • NEXT STEP:  Working on the flier to include.
Practice makes you better, so I will keep pushing.  I hope my online soap business blog help you to set goals in your life, and I am always open for suggestions.  I will update you next Tuesday.

Note:  The Bellevue Farmers Market is closed this Friday due to the July 4th holiday, but join us next Friday.

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