Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Soap biz this week

Operating a soap business is fun, but it is work too. My main goal is to stay focus and help people who have sensitive skin like me.  Right now, it is a one woman show.  My youngest son likes helping, but no interest from the rest of the family!  That is fine, but it does mean that I have to wear many hats to accomplish everything.  I like to visualize the business in 4 parts.  1) Customers/Sales - individuals and wholesale , 2) Business -banking, budgeting, booth rental, taxes, accounting,  3) Product - supplies, tools, research, production, lab, inventory, purchasing, and 4) Connect - marketing, web, email, social media.

I struggle with balancing my time in all 4 areas.  I usually focus on the Product area, and struggle in the other areas.  All the areas have to work together.  Sales is not my favorite area, but I love sharing how my product may help others.  Even though accounting is what I do full-time, it is not something that I enjoy doing for the business!  However, my accounting background forces me to keep good notes and support detail.  Also, filing taxes is not fun either.  I enjoy marketing, but it is time consuming.  I run the business part-time, so my time is limited.

I hope blogging forces me to focus on all the areas of the business more.  I will set some goals each week, and see if I can master them.  Since my time is limited, I probably should make a weekly schedule so that I am more productive.  Think I can do it?????????

Okay, baby steps...I think the challenge this week should be to accomplish a baby step in each of the areas since the areas should work together.

  1. Customers/Sales:  Mail a sample and coupon to at least 10 customers who have ordered online in the past (include a second set for them to share with a friend).
  2. Business:  a. Work on paperwork that is due in a few weeks. b. Hang up a work schedule for the week.
  3. Product:  Place log sheet in a binder so it is easier to access when creating products.
  4. Connect:  Make at least 25 sample bags to hand out to potential customers.
Alright, I will update you next Tuesday on how I did!

Look for Fanuppa on Etsy, Facebook, or visit here.

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