Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Rice Bowl

A really simple dish for me to prepare is a rice bowl.  I consider it more of an assembly then a recipe.  It is really simple and you can change it up any way you like.  (Great for FMD Phase 1 - Lunch)

Chicken (I use skinless, boneless thighs from Publix)
Brown Rice (I buy the frozen kind from Trader Joe's)
Vegetable(s) - (I used Brussels sprouts from Trader Joe's, but options are endless)
Beans - (I didn't add for this combination, but my favorite is cooked black beans)
Fruit (I used frozen figs from Trader Joe's, but any safe fruit works)
Seasoning (I used chili-lime sea salt, Mrs. Dash Onion blend, and some parsley)

Step one is to season and cook the chicken.  I just steamed it.  The broth that remains can be used to steam the rice and vegetables (Brussels sprouts).  Cut the chicken into pieces and add the rice, vegetable(s), beans, fruit (figs).  
(I don't normally heat the figs because fruit has more nutrients if not cooked.  I normally just let the steam from the other items warm the figs.)  

Tomorrow you can enjoy this dish again, or change it up slightly with a different meat, different fruit, different vegetables, red beans or chickpeas - combinations are endless!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Feeling the Pain

I have not felt multiple days HORRIBLE from food intolerance in a long time.  I have had some quick reactions, but nothing too bad. This past weekend changed that wonderful streak.  I had the most painful migraine, sinus, joint pain (in hip, neck, back..), sensitivity to smells, cold feeling/chills, sensitive to almost everything I eat - even normally safe foods.  The experience quickly reminded me how bless I am to have discovered ways to feel better.  It also reminded me that I should not take that for granted.  I should look at every day as daily maintenance, because it takes days to reset my body.

I have been off track with my diet since the Christmas holiday.  I let my guard down so that I could enjoy the holiday.  I felt free. Then I went through a period where I wasn't really eating fruits and vegetables.  I actually noticed that I felt better since it is hard for my body to process fruits and vegetables.  I also started snacking more on sugar and chocolate.  I knew that I needed to get back on my diet, but I really didn't have the energy to focus on it and my budget was tight. I also have not exercised as much, so I was stressed. 

So I decided to try some of the quick fixes like apple cider vinegar, molasses, and chili powder.  My body was too weak to handle these, so in comes the mega pain.  So for the past few days, I have been taking Mucinex, Benadryl, and Claritin to reset my body. 

This experience pointed out that fruits and vegetables are hard for my body to process unless I follow the eating pattern that works for me.  Eating my oatmeal, fruits, and vegetables also keeps my body stronger.  Eating too much of anything just doesn't work for me.  I can have chocolate, but only on the weekend.  I love and miss my 2 days on eating pattern (rotation diet).  It allows me to have variety and nutrients that I need to obviously survive in this stressful world.  It also helps me to keep my weight down.  The extra weight messes with my hormones and just adds to my bucket. The other thing that I must do is, exercise.  Yes instead of eating a bunch of chili pepper to increase my body temperature or block salicylates, I should move my body!  I found chili safe when I dash a little on my food.  However when I ate a large amount, I felt a bump form in my mouth.  I love my pepper, so I don't want to become sensitive to it. 

I can do this!  Step one is to start back on my diet.  

UPDATE:  I feel better!  After waking up in pain, I found an unusual way to treat the pain. Humming!  The trigger for this sinus pain was a reaction to my dental cleaning.  Humming to vibrate the area actually triggered drainage, and helped me to breath better.  I placed my fingers on the painful area and tried to make humming sounds that really vibrated the area.  I was inspired by this article here.

Basic Diet Layout

I want to start back on my diet.  It keeps me on track in so many ways.  I am not sure why I ever stop doing it.  Most things become boring if you do them daily.  So, I guess there must be some tips for me to jazz it up every week.  It is hard but here is my basic goal.

MONDAY & TUESDAY (goal is carbs, fruit, & beans)
wild blueberries & oatmeal (or make smoothie by combining with rice milk)
mango (or papaya)
figs, chicken, black beans (lentils or chickpeas), brown rice, vegetable
golden delicious apple (or Bartlett pear)
chicken, pasta, vegetable (or meatloaf with oats)

WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY (goal is protein & low-glycemic vegetables - no starches) 
egg whites & kale, bell pepper, onions (omelet)/turkey bacon
salad with chicken (no tomato) (iceberg, kale, cucumber - dressing rice vinegar, broth, kefir)
turkey bacon
chicken (ground turkey or turkey leg) & cabbage (bok-choy or broccoli)

FRIDAY (same as Wed & Thu but adding a little oil & fats - no carb)
whole egg & kale, bell pepper, onions, mushrooms (omelet)/turkey bacon
devil eggs
fried chicken livers & vegetable
apple salad (golden delicious apples, mayo, pecans, celery)/or tuna/chicken salad on cucumber / nut butter on apple
fried chicken livers & vegetable (kale sautéed in onion, oil, with an egg)
SATURDAY & SUNDAY (healthy fats, adding a little carb)
egg, turkey bacon, celery or cucumber, spelt toast or oatmeal, fruit, butter (fried salmon & rice)
sardines on sliced beets or cucumbers
grilled salmon, bok-choy, fruit (or sorbet made ahead)
sardines on sliced beets or cucumbers
fried chicken, vegetable, (optional pasta, rice, or Almost corn bread)  - "potato" salad from chickpeas

Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday, January 13, 2017

Carrot "Hot Dog"

Chili Cheese Carrot Dog!
I have been craving a chili cheese dog for several days.  I bought a bag of carrots and decided that I am going to enjoy one by using a carrot for the hot dog.  I was inspired by carrot dog recipes that vegans use.  Surprisingly, carrots can be shaped to actually look like a hot dog. I have tried shaping ground turkey into a hot dog, but the texture just was not right.  Also, the flavor and appearance was horrible.  I was not thinking that carrots would work well either, but was willing to try anything when the craving went into overdrive. 

Why not eat a regular hot dog? I struggle with hot dogs because of all the spices that are added (spices are high in Salicylates).  Also, there is usually red food coloring and preservatives that irritate me too.  I eat regular hot dogs and get a pressure like feeling in my lower stomach, and risk the next day getting joint pain or other problems.  Carrots actually offered a smooth texture that reminded me more of hot dogs. (Note: Carrots are moderate in Salicylates. So limit to one!) Adding the chili sauce on top actually masked the flavor of the carrot (okay to me - someone who misses hot dogs, but my son said it taste like a carrot, lol!). 

I had been studying recipes online for days, and trying to decide how to season the hot dog so that it was safe and tasted sort of like a hot dog.  I started boiling the water to soften the carrots, and then it hit me!  The secret seasoning is SALT. Yep, I had flashbacks of my grandmother boiling hot dogs when I was a kid.  She normally would boil them twice to remove salt!  So, I add plenty of salt to the water.  I added some rice vinegar, dash of liquid smoke, garlic powder and onion powder since other recipes had mentioned them (they also had other spices I can't have).  Then I added a seasoning that doesn't normally irritate me, thyme leaves - gives a sausage flavor.  Next I added the secret ingredient that I add to most recipes to make them pop, a little onion soup mix.  I could feel my grandmother guiding me again! This hot dog was going to be great...wish I had a hot grill - next time (probably dip it in oil first if grilling)!

I did a dash of this and a dash of that, so these are my best estimates.  I didn't do a marinate and soak for hours or days like some recipes, but do what you feel.  I just boiled the ingredients in the water.

2 peeled carrots (or more if you would like)
water (enough to cover the carrots in a skillet, add more as needed)
2 tsp. salt
2 TBS rice vinegar
1/2 tsp. liquid smoke
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. thyme leaves (skip if sensitive, but doesn't irritate me)
(Optional: chili recipe here)

Peel two carrots and place in boiling water.  Add all the other ingredients to the water, and continue to boil until the carrots are soft but still firm.  As the water evaporate, continue to add water until ready.  Add the carrot dog to a bun. I used potato bread buns to heighten the flavors.  Top with your favorite, safe toppings. I topped with chili! 

Chili and cheese is just one version for this hot dog.  Coleslaw is another safe option.  Add sides like fries, potato chips, potato salad (chickpea version is good too)!
Carrot on bun before chili added

carrots boiling in water