Monday, October 26, 2015

FMD Phase 2 - Adding Fruit to Lunch

One of the challenges of Phase 2 of the diet is the amount and variety of food that must be consumed for lunch.  I have to eat a protein, vegetable, grain, and fruit for lunch in Phase 2.  So here are 4 ways to add fruit to lunch and it blend in, versus seeming like something extra at the end of the meal.  I find adding an apple at the end is very challenging.  So here are some ideas:
  1. GRILLED - How about grilling the fruit to make it more exciting?  Grilled mango sounds really tasty and is one of the fruits that I can tolerate.
  2. KABOBS - I have found that presentation of a dish, really does make a difference.  So how about adding some fruit like fresh pineapples to a kabob also filled with chicken, bell peppers, and onions.  I can eat pineapples if fresh and if a limited amount.
  3. FRUIT SAUCE - I could make a barbeque like sauce with pears and dried figs.  Add some rice vinegar, onion, parsley, and red peppers for kick.  I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!
  4. FRUIT SALSA - I am not a huge fan of tomato salsa. Unless it is fresh, I can't really eat it anyway.  However, I might like a fruit version occasionally.  I am thinking about combining pomegranate, blueberries, lime, onion, parsley, and cayenne to spice it up. 
This has been a public service announcement for people who find it a challenge!

    2/21/17 - UPDATE:  I found a way to fit in fruit!  I now eat figs with my lunch for Phase 2.  It works as a sauce and gives the meal a little crunch.  They are not really pretty, but taste good.

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