Monday, October 5, 2015


Almost Croissants - cooked in muffin tin
I love bread, but have to limit it too to drop some pounds.  I don't really eat a lot of bread anymore.  I make sandwiches with spelt bread.  I love hot water cornbread and corn bread dressing, but had to give them up due to my sensitivity to corn.  So, I will highlight my great substitute recipes.
Cheddar Crackers - (Recipe: 1 c. rice flour, 4 TBS cold salted butter, 8 oz. grated cheddar, 3-4 TBS water, 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes) - This link (another blog) is great with lots of details and pictures.  I began using this recipe about 3 years ago, when I found that I needed to remove preservatives from my diet. Most crackers in stores are loaded with preservatives to increase shelf-life.  Use salted butter to avoid preservatives (salt is a safer preservative!). This is a great base recipe and you can add flavors and shape them as you like.
Sweet Lime Crackers - Use the recipe above, but change out the cheese and water for 1/2 cup of brown sugar and juice from one lime.
Pizza Dough - 1 cup self-rising flour and 1 cup Greek yogurt. Mix together in food processor to form dough. Super easy and great taste, but I just have to make sure that I don't over indulge since I'm sensitive to Greek yogurt. (change to an alternative flour by using 1 cup flour, 1/2 tsp. salt, and 1-1/2 tsp. baking powder - it may take a little more flour if changed, so add a little until thick - an oat and rice flour blend should work - another thought is to try this with maybe 1/2 cup rice milk and tablespoon of rice vinegar instead of Greek yogurt!).

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