Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Almost Croissant

I made a wonderful sandwich this past weekend. The star of the sandwich was the bread. I have been wanting a bread recipe that taste great and is made with safe ingredients. I accidentally found one. I was fascinated that kids on a cooking competition show could make eclairs. I looked up the idea on YouTube. I was surprised how simple they are to make.
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Bake for 15 minutes then reduce heat to 375 for about 15 minutes (try not to open oven for best rise).
Just 4 ingredients:
1 cup of water
1 stick of butter (1/2 cup)
1 cup spelt flour (or 1/2 oat and 1/2 spelt)
3 eggs 
Bring the water and butter to a boil. Removing from the heat and add the flour. Blend. Place back on the heat for 30 seconds. Place in the food processor and allow some of the steam to come off. Slowly add the eggs one by one. Shape on a pan with parchment paper. More details on this link - follow pastry instructions:
Play around with the shapes - I later found putting them in a muffin tin easier
Cooking on foil but parchment paper is best
Open up so it can be filled. The recipe creates a create hollow inside.
Filled with sausage, egg and cheese!
Wonderful breakfast sandwich
They turn out a beautiful shape and lot easier in muffin tin - still hollow inside

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