Monday, October 5, 2015

Fast Metabolism Diet (FMD) Journey

Weekly Chart - click to enlarge
These are post about my journey on the Haylie Pomeroy FMD.  Hope it helps with selecting food, grocery shopping, and more.  I can't enjoy all the foods that her diet offers, but there are so many options that winning is still possible.
Select a post:

Week 2 on diet
28 days on diet
Reaching half point of goal weight!
Phase 2 - Breakfast
Phase 2 - Lunch - tips on adding fruit
Diet on budget

                                                 Starting Over - 2016!
Winning During the WEEKEND!
Weekend Pitfalls to avoid
A Successful Friday! (for Friday I do a combination of Phases 2 & 3 vs. making it totally Phase 3
For a great summary of the diet and a list of foods by phases, click this link here
Here is Haylie Pomeroy's main page about the diet, click here

Rewind - 2017!

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