Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My Weekly FMD Chart

I'm trying to make my eating goals more routine and seamless.  I have tons of pictures of what I have been eating on my TwoGrand app.  So, I finally put together a chart of some of my favorites.  It should help me plan better, and eat my favorites more often.  Also drop those extra holiday pounds!  Hope you enjoy.  
Pictures of some of my favorite food combinations for each phase.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Brainstorming about soaps for new year

It is that time of year that I think about one year ending and a new one beginning.  I am happy with my soap business for the year.  I got out and did the farmer's market for several weeks, and did a few craft fairs, and enjoyed online sales.  It was fun and rewarding.  Now I must set some goals for next year. 

  • I will focus on improving packaging.  
  • I will group my products into the following categories: classic collection, hair set, facial set, feet set, sensitive skin collection, and butterfly collection.
-Fanuppa Soaps

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

FMD - Phase 2 - Breakfast

The goal for Fast Metabolism - Phase 2 Breakfast is to eat protein and vegetables.  Having vegetables for breakfast was a foreign concept for me until a few months ago.  A bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit is still my favorite breakfast.  However, it doesn't pass the diet challenge!  I also have to try again and make a biscuit in Phase 3 with gluten free flour. Oat flour for biscuit didn't work that great. Turkey bacon has become my new best friend. My favorite breakfast in Phase 2 is egg white omelet with turkey bacon.  My recipe for Phase 2 breakfast is egg white omelet with turkey bacon.

6 TBS liquid egg white (buy in milk shaped carton at grocery or separate from 2 eggs)
Vegetables of choice (chopped baby kale, red onion, bell peppers, ...)
1 slice turkey bacon (chopped)
1 tsp cheese (a splurge - skip if really true to plan!)
Salt to taste

Place all ingredients in microwavable omelet container (Omelet container is great for steaming and keeping shape of omelet-Makes life easier. Find at grocery store or other retailers). Close the container and microwave for 1 minute and 15 seconds.

Some days I keep the turkey bacon separate and enjoy the crisp of the bacon with the omelet.  Enjoy!

FMD - Phase 1 - Snack

Fast Metabolism Diet and Phase 1 snack is really easy.  I just eat fresh fruit for my snack (no bananas - high in sugar).  The challenge is my sensitivity to salicylates.  My food intolernace (salicylate sensitivity) limits which fruits that I can eat. I can eat golden delicious (yellow) apples.  Ninety percent of the time, that is my snack.  Here is a list of other fruits that I can enjoy - click

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

FMD - Phase 1 - Lunch

Most of us love a good pasta dish. The challenge is making it work for my diet. Gluten-free pasta has become more poplar so it is easy to find brown-rice and quinoa blend pastas.  Now we must improve the sauce.  Pasta is great with alfredo sauce, but how do we make a lower-calorie and dairy-free pasta sauce.  The answer is an updated white sauce!  It is a great base and can be seasoned with onions, garlic, parsley, pesto, little parmesan, bacon bits, and the list goes on. 

WHITE SAUCE (2 Servings - double for family)
1 cup rice milk
2 TBS rice flour
1 TBS butter
1 TBS sunflower oil
Seasonings and herbs of choice (salt, pepper, garlic, pesto, ...)

Combine all ingredients including the seasonings in a sauce pan and heat on high until it begins to boil. Reduce heat to a simmer until the sauce thickens.

Add your cooked chicken or shrimp, broccoli...Enjoy.

FMD Phase 1 - Breakfast

Well, I am trying to get back focused.  So, I'm blogging about some of my favorites in each phase.  I enjoyed a waffle with blueberries this morning.  Phase 1 (Monday and Tuesday) breakfast is a grain and fruit. Yesterday, I had oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast.  Today, I took those same ingredients and jazzed it up a little. 

1/2 cup oat flour (grind dry oatmeal in coffee grinder or food processor or purchase oat flour)
1/2 cup rice milk
1 tsp baking soda
Cooking oil spray (splurge, so limit)

Combine all ingredients.  Spray oil on waffle iron.  Pour batter on the waffle iron.  (If temperature setting option, then set to high for crunchy texture. Otherwise, you get mushy oatmeal texture!)

1/2 cup frozen blueberries

Place the blueberries in a glass or ceramic bowl/cup.  Microwave for 1 minutes and 30 seconds.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Declutter the mind

Enjoy quiet time daily, and list your thoughts.
Well, I started the declutter project in June and by July I had stopped.  Then I started again in August, and before I knew it -  I had stopped again.  September and October passed with no focus, and now it is mid-November!  I have been so proud of myself with weight loss and dieting, so I couldn't figure out why this area was so hard to master.  It is funny, since I was such a neat person growing up.

I had given myself motivation. I promised myself that I would decorate the space really cute.  However, I could not seem to stay motivated.  One of the tips in my initial blog about this subject was, "If this step is hard, then spend some more time working on your feelings."  So, step one should have been to declutter the mind!  I am learning that just like cleaning the home, clearing the mind should be a daily task. Wow, I had an aha moment.

One of the things that I did this summer that was really helpful, was to spend 15 minutes being quiet as soon as I woke up.  I would go outside and enjoy the clouds passing.  However with the Fall season, my mornings were busier.  Between getting ready and running the kid(s) to school, sometimes I didn't have 15 minutes.

To master the clearing of the mind step this week, I decided to play spa-like music (Pandora artist station - "Zen Garden").  After the first day, I felt a little calmer but I was also very angry.  I could not explain why I was so angry - no PMS!   The second day, I began the music and I started to cry.  I cried for a few minutes. 

Before this music journey, I thought that I was okay.  Then, I started writing down all the things that were irritating me.  After releasing all my thoughts I actually felt better.  I know that they would not be instantly fixed, but I literally felt like a weight was lifted.  Thankful for my faith, and believing that "trouble don't last always."  I was thanking God each day, but I wasn't listening each day.  I was too busy, just running in circles.

So for the next 28 days (December 8th), I am going to start my day with 15 minutes of quiet time.  I will include a note pad to jot down my thoughts.  I will put decluttering the space on hold for now, as I master step one.  


Monday, November 10, 2014

Straighten Natural Hair

I know it has been a moment since I talked about natural hair.  I am still enjoying the journey.  For the past few months, I have been enjoying my twist outs which required no heat.  However this past week, I decided to straighten my hair so that I could see how long it had grown.  It is hard to really tell the length with the twist out.  This also gave me an opportunity to trim my ends. 

Since the temperature has dropped it is easier to wear it straight.  However, my twist out is even easier and limits the chance of heat damage.  With that in mind, I will probably rotate and wear it straight 1-2 weeks of the month during these cooler months. 

The biggest challenge with wearing it straight is finding an oil that will blocks the moisture in the air.  First step is to moisturize with a water and oil based product, then adding an all oil based product on top.  Since I am sensitive to most oils, what I have found that works for me is rice bran oil combined with just a little beeswax.  If you are not sensitive then you may enjoy coconut, argan, and many other natural oils.

Don't forget I offer hair products on my website that are great for those that have sensitive skin, or just want some all-natural options.  Chat with you soon.


UPDATE:  Thought I would share some growth.  Originally posted Nov 10, 2014 and now Oct 27, 2015.  So almost a year later.  Looks like possibly 3 inches longer in some areas.  Wish it would grow the same all over!  Oh well, still thankful for the growth :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Chocolate - Halloween hangover!

Candy wrapper
Halloween candy can really blow a diet!  I have been on a chocolate binge since Friday.  So for 6 days my body has been really enjoying chocolate.  Thankful that I have never had an issue with smoking, alcohol or drugs, but chocolate must be a similar addiction.  I hide it in my desk and drawers at work, at home, and in my purse!  I love the smell of it, the texture, and definitely the flavor.  I like milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and even with nuts that I shouldn't eat like almonds.  Yes, I have it bad.  Some people may keep an aspirin handy for emergency.  I keep chocolate.

It brought back memories of when my dad passed. I went to the store and basically bought about 10 bags of chocolate.  My mom was looking at me like I was crazy, but I knew it was the only way that I could calm down.  Yesterday, I looked at myself like I was crazy.  I knew it was a combination of hormones, stress, and just the fact that I haven't really had chocolate lately.  I missed it! 

However when you open a bad door, it is so hard to close it.  I know that I need to close the door to chocolate world.  Chocolate world had no boundaries.  We all hate boundaries, but they are there for a reason. I know that I will open the door again, but for now I must close it.  I must say good bye to the caffeine that is not good for my body.  I must say good bye to the sugar and extra calories that are causing my scale to slowly creep upward.  I must say good bye to the pain that it causes to my sensitive gums and teeth. I must say good bye to other things it makes me crave like cheese.

So as of this moment, I am closing the door.  I am opening back the door to a more positive and in control person.  I am saying hello to the female wise owl in the picture (on the wrapper) that I never had time to notice (too busy opening the wrapper and throwing it away).  The real gift is the ability to say, no.  I can do this.  I love chocolate, but I love reaching my goal even more. 

Hope my pep talk to myself helps someone else too. 


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Good All-Purpose Cleaner

I just wanted to share a quick all-purpose homemade cleaner that you can quickly make.  It calls for just two ingredients:

  • Dawn dishwashing liquid
  • Vinegar
Pour equal portions of Dawn dishwashing liquid and vinegar in a spray bottle. 

I found all 3 of these items at Dollar Tree!  It just melts dirt away.  Let it soak for about 20 minutes for really dirty spots.  It works great on cleaning glass, shower, stove top, counters ...  It is not soapy surprisingly.  It just cuts the grease and dirt.  The great thing for me is no breathing problems from cleaning. 

I recently joined some online liquid soap groups so I can learn how to make my own liquid soap.  My next step is to try this with some bar soap that has been diluted with water.  I haven't tried it with other brands, but update me if you do.  Have fun cleaning.

Fanuppa Soaps

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Reaching my halfway point of goal weight!

     This past weekend, I celebrated as I finally reached the halfway point to my goal weight.  It has been a tough journey, and definitely taking longer than I thought.  However, I am developing some good habits that hopefully I will keep for life.  My goal is to drop a total of 30 pounds.  So to finally drop 15 pounds is really exciting.  I must start working on my upper arms more! 
     For the past few days, I have focused on cutting out sauces and salad dressings that add extra calories.  I also will continue to find weekend events that require walking.  I am still following the Fast Metabolism diet about 90% of the time!  I have started to burn out on eating oatmeal for breakfast, so once a week I have a bowl of cold cereal with rice milk.  Phase 2 - high protein days are still tough, and I noticed that I haven't been eating the right vegetables on those days. 
     So I will continue to look back at the book, to make sure that I am following the plan.  I am also excited to have found some buddies to share diet ideas with.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Grocery List - Part 1

Here is my list of what I eat based on my food intolerance, and trying to stick to the Fast Metabolism diet.  I am making a list so that I can have a guide for grocery shopping.  Also to share what works for my food intolerances (salicylates, sulfites, tree-nuts, slight lactose intolerance, ...).  However, if I rotate what I eat this seems to work.  Part 2 of the list will focus on which stores and budgeting. I tested lots of foods and brands in the beginning, so it became expensive.  However I now know what works, and have a pretty good variety. (Note: Cheese is splurging/extra flavor, so I just sprinkle a little on top.  Also some fruits and vegetables work for my salicylate intolerance level, but may not work for others. I also rotate and use just a little of some foods.)

Follow me on TwoGrand (fanuppa), to see how I have turned this list into some great menus for breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner over the past three months.  TwoGrand has been a great app for me to track what I eat.  I just snap a picture, make notes, and it is saved online and not to my phone.  Now I can thumb through the history, and see what worked and didn't.  It also helps me to plan meals.

Thanks for spending 5 minutes with me.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pizza with no carbs/gluten-free!

Delicious guilt free pizza!
I just completed 3 months on the diet!  I use cauliflower now regularly in my diet.  Six months ago, you probably could not get me to eat it.  This journey has opened my eyes to appreciate it, asparagus, and many other vegetables.  Cauliflower is a hidden jewel of vegetables, because it can be transformed and imitate many other foods that I have to limit. Checkout this link for more inspiration.  Cauliflower is perfect for my diet, and for my food intolerance (low salicylate).  I was amazed that it can be used like flour, and it is gluten free.

Today, I am sharing a recipe for pizza.  I usually make this during phase 2 of my diet, when I can only can have protein and vegetables.  It feels more like a treat, than cutting back. 

  • 1/2 head of fresh cauliflower florets
  • 3 TBS egg whites (used type in carton)
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp parsley
  • 1/3 c. grated parmesan cheese
  • parchment paper
  • pizza sauce, mozzarella, and other toppings of choice.  (Note: I placed a large fresh tomato in juicer, and kept the pulp for my sauce.  This allows me to control the variety of tomato used, preservatives, and the seasonings that may be irritating for my food intolerance).

  • Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
  • Add cauliflower florets to juicer
  • Discard juice, and keep the pulp
Juice (discard) & pulp

dough- shaped but uncooked
  • Measure 2 cups of cauliflower pulp
  • Place the cauliflower pulp, egg whites, salt, parsley, and parmesan cheese in a large mixing bowl and mix well
  • Cover baking pan with parchment paper
  • Place cauliflower mixture onto the parchment paper and shape the dough into round or rectangular pizza crust(s) (see picture)

  • Bake the dough for 10 - 15 minutes, until lightly brown in spots (no longer wet to the touch - see picture)
  • Remove from the oven and top with your favorites (I used turkey bacon, kale, onion, bell peppers, and mozzarella cheese- pictured at top)  Note:  It is a sturdy but soft crust, so I left it on the parchment paper through the whole process.
crust after baking

  • Return to oven and bake for 5-7 minutes to melt the cheese and steam other toppings
This is a labor of love!  It took me about an hour.  So I suggest making a big batch and freezing several personal size crusts.

Update: Originally posted 10/5/15. Later found that cauliflower is not a Fast Metabolism Diet - Phase 2 vegetable. Only should eat in Phase 3.


Friday, September 26, 2014

Exfoliate for the Season Change

Lavender Sea Salt soap bars
If your skin is like mine, then it is starting to become a little drier with the season change.  I know your first response is slap on some lotion!  However, don't forget to do a key thing that will help with the dryness - EXFOLIATE!  Exfoliation is your friend, and can be accomplished several ways.  You actually do it every day with your terry cloth bath towel.  The soap and water helps to loosen the dead skin.  As you dry your skin, you are removing dead skin with the towel.  However, there are several ways to help loosen the dead skin. 

Soap Pouch
A soap pouch is a tool that you actually insert your soap bar inside.  The multiple layers of textured fabric actually work to remove dead skin.  Also, this a easy way to add exfoliation without actually adding a new product that may irritate your skin.  Soap pouches are a gentle way to exfoliate, and can be used daily.

Sea Salt and Sugar
Sea salt and sugar are available in many products, and are great ways to exfoliate. They are normally mixed with oils and sold as scrubs.  You can also purchase Fanuppa's sea salt soap bars to exfoliate that are available in Lime and Lavender.  The soap bars are less messes, but scrubs and soaps work great.  Exfoliating with sea salt is not as gentle, and should be limited to 2-3 times per week. 

Other Options
The list of ways to exfoliate are endless.  Oatmeal is gentle enough that it can be used daily.  The acid from milk (goat's milk) is also another gentle exfoliation option. Coarse ingredients can be added to soap like coffee grains and cornmeal.   The circular brushes that rotate or manual brushes work great too.  There are also acid peels and other in office treatments.  Just remember if you skin becomes shiny, then you have probably over exfoliated. 

Fanuppa Soaps


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Raw potato for the skin?

Russet Potato
I know it sounds weird, but placing raw potato on your skin is actually a really natural way to heal skin irritations.  Cut a thin slice.  Place the thinly-sliced-raw potato on the irritated area.  Leave the potato slice on the skin for at least 20 minutes.  That is it! 

Why does this works? 
Potatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  They also have anti-bacteria properties, and absorb access oil from the skin.  So give them a try for your skin irritations, dark circles under your eyes, and to lighten scars.

Enjoy your skin!


Monday, September 15, 2014

Twisting Hair with Car Sponge?

This weekend, I was inspired by a video that one of my sisters sent.  The video showed how simple it was to twist your hair with a sponge.  I had actually saw this done a few years ago at a natural hair show.  So I went to YouTube and saw that there were several tutorials on the subjects.  Basically here are the steps:

1.  Purchase a car washing sponge from a automobile shop, or the car section of a retail store. 
2.  Next draw circles onto the sponge that will be used as a guide for cutting.  You can skip this step by purchasing a sea sponge that has holes naturally.  I saw someone on YouTube get similar results from a sea sponge!
3.  Now cut shallow holes in the sponge by following the circles that have been drawn.
4.  Place hair lotion in the hair, then gently rub the sponge in a circular motion.  It is best to focus on a small section of hair for a few seconds, then move to the next section.

It is really that simple, and amazing how quick the hair coils (5-10 minutes to complete).   

Products for those who are sensitive
I recommend washing the hair first.  Looking for a shampoo bar?  Then try Fanuppa's gentle Smoothie shampoo soap bar that is loaded with the natural fruits of pomegranate, pear, and bananas.  The base oil is rice bran oil, so no tree nuts.

For hair lotion, I use Vanicream Light.  I was introduced to it by my dermatologist.  I know petroleum based products are frowned on by those going natural, but this is my back up option when too busy to make my own lotion (recipe) with rice bran oil.  My first goal is no allergic reactions.  It doesn't contain harmful chemicals.  Petroleum blocks moisture, which is good and bad.  It is great for hair frizz, but probably not as great for the scalp.  Regular shampooing and vinegar rinse will offset. 

Fanuppa Soaps

Friday, September 12, 2014

Miss Blogging!

I miss blogging.  I love journaling my thoughts!  Just like most of you, I just have been busy.  Thought I would give you a quick update on each of the topics.

Clean Home
My decluttering project has been on hold.  I have kept the desk neat, but I haven't focused on it in weeks. 

Clean Skin
Personally thanks to my diet and all the water that I drink now, my skin is so much healthier. I still use very little lotion, but I know that is about to change as the season change.  The tip of my nose was a little dry this morning!  I found a new lotion recipe that I just love.  Every time I made a bottle, the kids took it.  If my kids like it, it is a great product.  Taking care of the skin is an internal and external process.  Externally, I am loving my new Fanuppa rice brand and goat's milk soap collection.  It is so moisturizing.  I am also making sure the ph level of my skin stays in line by using the vinegar based Fanuppa toner.

Food Options
Well, you know that I love food.  Proud of the fact that I have been eating better for almost 3 months now.  I feel ten times better, but I keep gaining and dropping the same 3 pounds.  I do great during the week, but weekends are so challenging.  My goal is not to gain weight this weekend.  I'm gaining probably because I haven't been blogging!  I have found a ton of new foods that I can eat, and still be allergy free.  You can still follow my food journal on the TwoGrand app.

Natural Hair
My natural hair keeps me busy.  I shampoo my hair with the nurturing Smoothie soap bar.  I also use vinegar on my scalp.  It helps with dandruff and detangles.  If you can use apple cider vinegar, then grab a bottle with the "mother" in it!  I am sensitive to apples, so I use my Fanuppa version that is rice vinegar based.

I am loving selling my products at the Bellevue Farmers Market every Friday.  I also want to invite you to join me on Saturday, October 11, 2014.  The Bellevue Farmers Market will be all day on Saturday.  This will be a celebration that marks the end of the season that began in May and ends this October.  The market is located in the parking lot of Bellevue United Methodist Church, 7501 Old Harding Road.  

Chat soon,
Fanuppa Soaps

Monday, August 25, 2014

Celebrating 56 days of the diet!

I did it again!  I completed round 2 of the 28 day diet cycle (56 days).  I actually look at food differently now.  I lost 2 more pounds, so a total of 10.5 pounds.  I wanted to drop 4 pounds, but if I wasn't focused at all I probably would have gained weight.  I am definitely eating more fruits and vegetables now and have more energy.  Also, I am still rotating what I eat.

I have added back a little dairy to my diet, and making sure that I get calcium from my vegetables.  My omelets taste so much better with cheddar cheese sprinkled on top.  I also make sure that I add calcium fortified rice milk to my oatmeal and decaf coffee.  I found the acid in Kefir was a little strong once I added it back to my diet. So instead, I add it to food or dilute it with rice milk.

Wheat and sugar are still very limited in my diet.  I still can't believe how easy it has been to limit these.  Having fruit handy really helps with the sugar craving.  I have found some great substitutes for wheat, so it has been easy to eliminate.  I miss it when grabbing fast food, but started making sure that I order a salad instead.  One day, I ordered a turkey burger and wrapped it in lettuce.  I still enjoyed it, but noticed also how much the bread hid the amount of salt that is added to the burger. 

I nibble and splurge, but proud that I am sticking to the plan overall.  I am starting my next round, and hope to drop 2 more pounds.  Maybe 4 pounds was too high of a goal!  Slowly it adds up, just like gaining.

Fruit is great, but sometimes having some dessert is really important.  Food should be enjoyed.  I changed one of my favorites and enjoy it on Phase 3 days of the diet.  Instead of wheat flour, it uses cauliflower pulp. Sounds weird but it works.  I used pecans because they are one of the few nuts that I can eat, but feel free to substitute walnuts pieces (for 1/4 c.) or almond flour/coconut flour (for 1/2c.).

Cauliflower-Pecan Banana Bread
(or alter to make them Brownies)

1 cup cauliflower pulp (from juicer)
1/2 cup ground pecans (from food processor)
1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
2 eggs
4 bananas (ripe with spots are sweeter)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon (adds flavor, but eliminate if sensitive-this amount works for me)
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 c. pecan pieces (optional)
(add 1/2 cup cocoa powder to change this recipe to brownies)

Prep cauliflower, pecans, bananas, and get oven ready.
1.  It will take about 1/3 of head of cauliflower to make about 1 cup of pulp from a juicer.  If no juicer then place in food processor then drain and dry with paper towels. 
2.   Next, chop the 1/2 cup of pecans in the food processor. It will not be creamy but should start to look like nutty peanut butter that can mashed into measuring cup.
3.  Mash the bananas with a potato masher or fork.
4.  Heat the oven to 350 degrees.  Grease pan and set aside.

Now put it together.
5.  Butter should be room temperature, or melt the butter in the microwave for about 15 seconds.
6.  Cream the butter in a bowl with the mixer. 
7.  Next, add the eggs one at time and blend with the butter.
8.  Add the cauliflower pulp and blend.
9.  Next, add the ground pecans that were prepared from the food processor.
10. Add the mashed bananas and blend.
11.  Add the baking soda, salt, and cinnamon (and cocoa powder if making brownies) to the batter and blend.
12. By hand mix in the vanilla and 1/4 cup pecan pieces.

Banana bread takes about an hour to cook in a loaf pan.  In a rectangular pan for brownies it takes about 45 minutes.  The mixture should bounce when touched when ready, or a fork placed in the center should come out clean when ready. 

These actually taste even better the next day, especially the brownies version (more moist and flavor blends in or I am thinking about cauliflower less!).  So make them ahead if you like.


Monday, August 11, 2014

Great Comb Makes a Difference

Hope your natural hair journey is going well.  Today, I wanted to talk about hair combs for natural hair.  Pictured are 3 combs that I have in my drawer.  Not sure why I keep the traditional detangler.  It worked okay with a relaxer, but now it is just more layers for my hair to wrap around.  Funny, my hair actually becomes tangled in this comb!  The comb on the end is an example of what happens to most of my combs!  Yes, they break.  I have bought about 4 of the broken styled comb in the last few months.  I like the shape, but it doesn't move with my hair. 

My favorite of the group is the wide-tooth comb in the middle by Goody.  I wasn't looking for a comb.  I was in Kroger one day and noticed it.  It is flexible, and made of a softer rubber material instead of hard plastic.  I love this comb!  It bends and stretches with my hair, therefore reducing breakage.

Hate it took me so long to switch! I can see it being around for a while.

If looking for a detangling spray to use with your comb, try Fanuppa's.

Friday, August 1, 2014

De-clutter - Reset!

The focus last month became my new diet, so the declutter project slowly became inactive!  Now that the diet is becoming more routine, I should be able to give the decluttering more focus.  Decluttering is similar to dropping weight.  They both involve getting rid of stuff you don't want.

I also think that declutteriing should be part of a daily home cleaning routine.  So I am going to start my Fly Lady cleaning plan again, and get this done.  I liked the 28 day challenge for weight loss.  So I am going to apply it to the declutter project.  I am pushing reset!

Fly Lady is a fun plan.  You start by doing some "baby steps" daily, and before you know it your house is clean and organized.  Baby steps include putting on shoes and keeping a shiny sink.  I also like watching the Jen videos on cleaning and organizing.  Yes, I am pushing reset.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Celebrating 28 Days of the Diet

Pomegranate on stand (my trophy!)
I did it!  I completed 28 days of the Fast Metabolism Diet, and I lost 8.5 pounds.  I enjoyed it so much, that I have decided actually to incorporate the diet into how I eat all the time.  Before the diet, I was not eating enough fruits and vegetables.  So this will actually make me focus on eating better.  Also, I have to rotate what I eat anyway due to food sensitivity.  The diet makes you rotate food (fruit, protein, healthy fat...) every 2-3 days, so it is perfect.    

I gave up dairy for 28 days, and I will add it back to my diet.  Osteoporosis runs in my family, and my Vitamin D level is normally low without prescription supplements.  I found adding kale a good source of calcium, but think my body still needs the easier dairy source.  My goal is to add calcuim and Vitamin D with kefir, which is a healthy almost lactose free option. 

I will continue to keep my wheat and sugar intake limited.  I thought this would be hard but actually found this easy.  I eat more fruit now, so this has replaced my sugar craving.  I actually haven't had chocolate in 28 days!  That is amazing.  In the past, I actually ate chocolate almost every day.  Giving up wheat also hasn't been that hard.  The spelt bread is really good, and I couldn't tell the difference.  I have been eating more things like quinoa and brown rice.  I love rolls and hot water cornbread, but stopped eating them regularly years ago (because of the corn and yeast). 

Other changes included giving up bananas and potatoes.  I miss my bananas!  The book says they are high in sugar.  I will limit my intake of them.  Only using them as a sweetener for fruit sweeten cookies, and I will only add a 1/2 banana each week.  Also, I really miss kettle potato chips.  I had about 4 potato chips this weekend, so I will probably do that each weekend!  I can live without sweets, but potato chips...that is my favorite stress food.  I munched on carrots last week to cope with stress.  The crunch helped, but not the same.  Also, I missed mashed potatoes.  I actually had some this weekend because my schedule was so busy, and I was at an event and starving.

I did not drop any extra weight last week due to stress. Also not totally sticking to the plan, especially the goal of eating every 3-4 hours.  However, I only gained a half a pound.  Normally during a stress week, I would gain about 3 pounds.  So the plan is working. 

Follow what I am eating and journal what you are eating on the Two Grand app (my user name:  fanuppa).  I will update you on my new way of eating at the end of August.  Look for some fun recipes in future blog posts.

Thanks for giving me 5 minutes, 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Customers Love Lavender!

I am truly enjoying the opportunity to talk with customers every week at the farmer's market.  It is an opportunity to see what customers like, and what they don't like.  Kids are the most fun to watch as they sniff and smile.  They are also the most honest!  They shake their heads if they don't like it!  The Lavender/Sea Salt soap bar (exfoliates) has been the top seller, and next would be plain Lavender. 

I appreciate the benefits of Lavender essential oil.  It is a relaxing scent that is great for acne, burns, and cuts (has anti-bacteria properties).  At the market, I have found fresh Lavender in cookies and even lemonade. 

The funny thing is that Lavender is not one of my favorite scents!  I prefer something citrusy like lime.  I have to be careful with most floral scents, because they normally trigger headaches.  However, I have never had a reaction to Lavender.  So, I could see doing a combination of Lavender and Lime and really enjoying it! 

My favorite thing about Lavender is the color.  The purple is so pretty. 

I actually had a request to offer the facial toner in a Lavender scent.  I will be adding it soon. I enjoy listening and making the customers happy! 

What are some of your favorite scents?




Saturday, July 19, 2014

To Glycerin or Not

Should you use glycerin on your natural hair?  That is a great question.  It came to mind as I was outside at the local farmers market. I was trying to sell natural soap after it had poured down raining.  The rain stopped, but the air was really humid as you can imagine.  I had a hat on my head (lol).   I hate trying to sell soap when it is really humid.  My display had to be simplified.  Just one bar per type, and I kept the rest of the soaps covered to protect them.  Let's talk through why I covered the soap.

One of the great features of natural soap is that it contains glycerin.  Glycerin is a naturally occurring by-product of soap making.  It is the type in most beauty products.  There is also crude glycerin which is a by-product of bio-diesel production.  Glycerin is moisturizing for the body, but it makes my displayed soap bars feel wet and slippery just from being exposed to the humid air without rain ever touching them.  Why?

As my example indicates the air is a huge factor in deciding to use glycerin on your hair.  Glycerin attracts water from the air.  On a rainy day it will work great.  It also will work better during warmer seasons.  As it gets cooler and the air is dryer, glycerin will still absorb water but from the only source it has - your hair!  So how well your hair shafts allow moisture in, becomes a factor in using it too.  The season is a bigger factor, but the air where you work and live may be cool and drying too, regardless of the season.

Another factor in deciding to use glycerin is allergies and sensitivities.  I decided not to use it because of this factor.  Depending on the type of oil or fat used to make the soap, glycerin can be vegetable or animal based.  Normally it is derived from coconut or palm oil so it is not for my hair (salicylate and tree-nut sensitivity).  However, if you don't have any issues from using these oils then enjoy.

Hope this helps.  Got soap!

Week 3 of the Diet!

Salmon and veggies
Well, it will be 3 weeks on the diet this coming Monday!  I am really starting to see a difference in my clothes.  My face is smaller, and also my feet!  I have done Weight Watchers and the South Beach diets in the past.  They both had their advantages.  Weight Watchers forced me to look at my eating habits, and remember things like grapes are more filling than raisins.  South Beach taught me to make dessert out of ricotta cheese, flavoring, and artificial sweeteners.  However, I have to say that the The Fast Metabolism diet is my favorite.  The science behind this diet is really working.

Weight loss seems to happen when I go from phase 1 (high fruit) to phase 2 (high protein).  An example of Phase 3 is pictured.  The focus of Phase 3 is on healthy fats like those found in salmon.  Oils can be added too during Phase 3, that is the only way that I would eat asparagus and mashed cauliflower!  This phase is during the weekend, so it gives you more freedom when you need it. 

Weekends are hard though.  Usually more events and less time to focus on the diet.  My goal this weekend is not to gain weight (like prior weekends). So I must pack a lunch and snack bag just like it is a work day.

So far, I have lost 9-lbs! Hubby has lost 13-lbs!  I am so proud of our accomplishments.  Also, I am eating fruits and veggies now that work with my food sensitivity.  Planning ahead and staying focused.  Hope you enjoy the weekend.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Week 2 of Diet

Last Friday was July 4th so I took a break from blogging.  Hate I didn't get to share all my food fun with you last week!  I started the Fast Metabolism Diet on June 30th.  I wanted to see if I could actually do this diet with my multiple food sensitivities and actually drop some pounds.  My first week started great, however by the evening of the 5th day I was experiencing food reactions.  My husband and I decided to do the diet together. So to save time and money, I found myself eating strawberries, mushrooms, spinach, coconut oil, and other trigger foods.  I watched the fireworks while being sick, and I spent most of Saturday in the bed with joint pain and migraine. The good news is that I lost 7.5 lbs so far!

I refused to give up though!  It just meant that for some meals, I would be fixing 3 different meals (something for myself, hubby, and the kids).  Before this diet, I knew that I was not eating enough vegetables or fruit.  There were only a few fruits and vegetables that I could eat without getting sick.  I regularly ate celery, cabbage, potatoes, and bananas.  The new diet meant giving up potatoes and bananas, but I could still eat my cabbage and celery. 

I had to branch out and think outside of the box.  I started week 2 frustated that I was giving things up in my already limited diet, but it has actually made me find new foods that I can eat!  It does mean spending a little more for fruits.  I was surprised to learn that pomegranates cost $3 each, but I will try to eat 2 per week.  I normally buy the juice, but no juice allowed on the diet. My fruits on the diet are lime, pears, yellow apples, pomegranate, and mango (yep the more expensive fruits!).  Hubby is enjoying lemons, limes, green apples, red apples, strawberries, oranges, and peaches. 

Vegetables has also been challenging.  Since I am eating them daily and several times per day, I had to find more variety of vegetables that didn't trigger a food reaction.  It was nice to learn that kale is in the same food family as cabbage, and it also is high in calcium.  Other vegetables that I added to my veggie list this week are bok choy (chinese cabbage - baby and larger variety) and sunflower sprouts.  My veggie list also includes tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, and cucumbers (peeled and seeds removed). 

Protein snacks are a challenge with the diet too.  I had to give up cheese and yogurt, but I have been enjoying nitrate/nitrite free turkey bacon and egg whites.  I also tried a protein rich salad dressing made with egg whites.  It wasn't blue cheese, but not bad.  Here is the recipe.  I made it with limes and parsley. 

by Haylie Pomroy

(below are some of my notes from her book, website, and my experience)

There are lots of rules - so I recommend reading the book, but they are manageable adjustments.  I have summarized some of them:

·         No diary (can have rice milk, almond milk or other types of milk)

o   Rice Milk drink during Phase 1 and 3 (considered a Grain so can’t have during Phase2)

o   Almond/Coconut Milk  drink during Phase3 (Fatty Protein)

o   Select Kale or Veggies with calcium for Phase 2

·         No sugar, wheat (can eat spelt or rice bread - found in organic freezer section)

·         Eat within first 30 minutes of waking up (challenge, I average first hour)

·         You eat and exercise according to day of the week.  The week is split into 3 phases (the log sheet file is a reminder of what to eat for each day).

·         Exercise is actually not that bad.  You do it according to the phase.
    • Mon or Tues -Phase 1 - walk or do something that requires movement 
    • Wed or Thur - Phase 2 - do some type of weight lifting to go with the high protein phase of the diet
    • Fri, Sat, or Sun – Phase 3 - do something relaxing like massage, yoga, stretching, sauna (first time experience-enjoyed sauna last Friday at YMCA!)
·         Snack in between your meals (different for each phase, but on log sheet that is attached)

·         Drink water, half your body weight in ounces (ex. 150 lbs. drink 75 oz.)

 Poplar diet so lots of recipes ideas online.  Hope this helps.  Let me know if any questions.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hydrating Your Skin from Within

Well, I started a diet a few days ago!  It actually hasn't been that bad.  I started the diets for weight loss, but one of the benefits has been improvement to my skin.  It feels soft and smooth.  I know all those antioxidants and the hydration from the fruits and vegetables is helping.  Also, I am drinking probably 3 times the amount of water that I normally would drink in a day!  It is refreshing though.  The increased water is helping me to breathe easier, so my body is getting more oxygen.  I actually haven't put a moisturizer on my face in weeks (just facial soap and toner).  I know that is one of the joys of summer, balancing my skin from within, reducing stress, and using products that do not irritate.  So I challenge you to go drink some water!  How much?  Click here for a quick water calculator. 

Enjoy the summer.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Easy Night Routine

Well, I took a few days off from blogging for the July 4th holiday.  I really enjoyed the extended weekend.  Hope you enjoyed some fireworks and grilled food.  I got a chance to test a wash and wear hairstyle this weekend.  It looked okay, but the next day it was so tangled! I will keep trying.  Last week we talked about the two strand twist for twist outs.  Now the next step is to get multiple wears from that set.

My easiest night routine is to do mini-pineapples on my hair.  This is what the natural hair community calls the puffs in the pictures.  I just take a small section of hair and tuck the ends with an elastic band.  The bands are easy to find at a pharmacy or hair supply store.  They help to stretch the hair and keep the set from being flatten (especially in the back). 

Hope this helps.  Talk with you next week.  Have a question?  Just email me.  You can find our products online here.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Soap biz - Goals

Well, last week I started my baby step goals that I wanted to accomplish in each of the key areas of the business.  How did I do?  Well, I am still crawling :)  

The goal is to do baby steps in each of the key business areas because they all work together.

  • Customers/Sales:  Mail a sample and coupon to at least 10 customers who have ordered online in the past (include a second set for them to share with a friend).
    • UPDATE: I made samples to mail, but I haven't mailed the samples yet.  The challenge is creating a flier and literature to mail with the sample.  I need inspiration!  
    • NEXT STEP:  I will go to the mall tomorrow and get some samples for inspiration.  Then I will create the flier/literature, then mail them by July 7th.
  • Business:  a. Work on paperwork that is due in a few weeks. b. Hang up a work schedule for the week.
    • UPDATE:  Good news, I have a work schedule now that is on paper!  It should help me to plan better.  I organized some paperwork, but hate I haven't started.  
    • NEXT STEP:  I have scheduled to work on the paperwork this weekend.

  • Product:  Place log sheet in a binder so it is easier to access when creating products.
    • UPDATE:  I have the sheets printed.
    • NEXT STEP:  I will buy a binder to hold the log sheets.
  • Connect:  Make at least 25 sample bags to hand out to potential customers.
    • UPDATE:  I have the bags and samples.  
    • NEXT STEP:  Working on the flier to include.
Practice makes you better, so I will keep pushing.  I hope my online soap business blog help you to set goals in your life, and I am always open for suggestions.  I will update you next Tuesday.

Note:  The Bellevue Farmers Market is closed this Friday due to the July 4th holiday, but join us next Friday.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Natural Hair May Be Easier!

Wearing my hair natural actually may be easier.  I can't believe that I am saying that!  A year ago, I was struggling on this journey.  My hair was damaged from products that irritated my scalp and made my hair feel hard and brittle.  For years, when I touched the back of my hair it was not uncommon to feel a tiny and dry piece of my hair break in my hand, or worst a bump.  Now I love playing in my hair because it is so soft.

My morning styling routine in the past meant curling my hair each day, or pulling it back into a tiny ponytail.  Most days I pulled it back because I really didn't have time to curl my hair every morning.  My hairdresser told me that pulling my hair back each day was hard on my hair, and possibly caused the breakage in the back.  So I usually tried to make a deal with myself to curl it 2-3 times a week.  I could not sleep in rollers, and the soft wrap type rollers created unpredictable styles.  Over time, I noticed that my hair didn't grow as long.  I blamed age, stress, and hormones.  It wasn't as exciting doing my hair, because it didn't feel right.  Glad all that has changed.  Hair should stretch and be able to handle the various styles that we take it through.  For me, staying away from ingredients that irritate made a 360 degree change.  I also highly recommend protein treatment for the hair to improve the stretch of the hair strands. Now my morning styling is usually done in the car because it is so simple.  I just undo my twist or mini-pineapples (we will discuss details of pineapple method next week - My Easy Night routine).

Pictured is an example of the two strand twist.  Just grab two sections of your hair and twist tightly all the way to the very end. If you still have relaxer on the ends then add a small elastic hair bands to keep them from unraveling.  For the placement of the twists, I use two options. Sometimes I randomly place twist in the hair.  This option normally works okay when I do twist on dry hair.  Random dry twist are normally bigger and more puffy than the wet ones pictured.  Another option is to section your wet hair into 8 pieces like a pie then split each of those sections into 3 sections.  Yes, that means 24 twists versus about 8-12 with the random placement.  I use pie sectioning when I first wash my hair to make sure each section gets enough moisturizing hair product and to make sure the twists last a few days.  There are tons of puddings and hair moisturizing creams on the market for setting twists. Look for a product that contains water for setting your hair.  Just remember to read the ingredients if sensitive.  I use the Fanuppa Hair Moisturizer to set my twists which contains no tree nut oil.  To lock in the moisture, add a little pomade.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Starting Fast Metabolism Diet

Here is the link that gives an overview of the diet.

I have purchased the book, but sad to learn that the app only works on iPhones.  Hopefully you have access, but I don't.

My husband and I will provide updates each week on our experience with the diet.  I am looking forward to jump starting my metabolism.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Declutter Week 2

Well, I stayed with the goal to spend 5 minutes each day on the area.  It is hard to say no to 5 minutes, so I didn't.  Weekends can be challenging, so I did 15 minutes last Friday to cover for the weekend.  I can actually see part of the desk now.  At this rate, it may be 3 more weeks!  That is fine (better than not focusing on it).  The fact is that progress is being made.  I feel better, and my vision is focused on how the space will look when I get to decorate it!  My decorating inspiration is the desk in this article.

Wish everyone happy cleaning and de-cluttering, and I will update you next week.

Note:  Still researching the laundry/utility soap bar idea.  Many are very sensitive to laundry detergent, so they need a good base bar to make their own detergent or to remove stains.  

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The ph Level of Your Skin

My family teases and calls me a mad scientist since I started creating my own bath and hair products. It is really funny considering that I never had an interest in science in school.  I joined the Science Club in high school because they went on the best field trips! Math was always my favorite subject.  Over the years, I have learned that science requires some math skills and I have always been fascinated with how things work.  I guess science has grown on me.  I found the new Cosmos television show interesting too!

Speaking science, there is this wonderful "ph" scale that is used to measure acid and alkaline levels from a range of 1 to 14. Water is neutral at 7, acids range from 1 to 6, and 8 to 14 are the alkaline. The ph strips can be purchased at your local pharmacy to do measurements. Our skin is considered healthy and normal when it measures 5.5 on the scale, so it is slightly acidic.  The goal with your skin is to keep it at this level to prevent dry and oily skin conditions, and bacteria infections.  Soap gets bad press because it normally has a ph between 9 and 10. The truth is that soap has to be at this level to help remove oil, dirt, and bacteria from your skin.  Healthy skin is really good at returning back to normal levels after a bath.  For more sensitive areas of the body like the face, I recommend a good toner to help lower the ph level faster.

Fanuppa's toner has a ph level of around 5, which is perfect for helping to reset your skin after using soap.  It is herb infused, lime scented, and uses vinegar to create the perfect balance for the skin. To learn more click here.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Soap biz this week

Operating a soap business is fun, but it is work too. My main goal is to stay focus and help people who have sensitive skin like me.  Right now, it is a one woman show.  My youngest son likes helping, but no interest from the rest of the family!  That is fine, but it does mean that I have to wear many hats to accomplish everything.  I like to visualize the business in 4 parts.  1) Customers/Sales - individuals and wholesale , 2) Business -banking, budgeting, booth rental, taxes, accounting,  3) Product - supplies, tools, research, production, lab, inventory, purchasing, and 4) Connect - marketing, web, email, social media.

I struggle with balancing my time in all 4 areas.  I usually focus on the Product area, and struggle in the other areas.  All the areas have to work together.  Sales is not my favorite area, but I love sharing how my product may help others.  Even though accounting is what I do full-time, it is not something that I enjoy doing for the business!  However, my accounting background forces me to keep good notes and support detail.  Also, filing taxes is not fun either.  I enjoy marketing, but it is time consuming.  I run the business part-time, so my time is limited.

I hope blogging forces me to focus on all the areas of the business more.  I will set some goals each week, and see if I can master them.  Since my time is limited, I probably should make a weekly schedule so that I am more productive.  Think I can do it?????????

Okay, baby steps...I think the challenge this week should be to accomplish a baby step in each of the areas since the areas should work together.

  1. Customers/Sales:  Mail a sample and coupon to at least 10 customers who have ordered online in the past (include a second set for them to share with a friend).
  2. Business:  a. Work on paperwork that is due in a few weeks. b. Hang up a work schedule for the week.
  3. Product:  Place log sheet in a binder so it is easier to access when creating products.
  4. Connect:  Make at least 25 sample bags to hand out to potential customers.
Alright, I will update you next Tuesday on how I did!

Look for Fanuppa on Etsy, Facebook, or visit here.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Weekend and Natural Hair

Weekends are great for natural hair adventures.  It is an opportunity to test products and different styles, go places to see other natural hair styles, and if lucky -discuss the journey with others.

During the week, it is hard to test products and styles because if something does not to work, then there is limited time to fix it before work. Also, with allergies it is good to test new products on the weekend in case there is a reaction.
Getting out during the weekend is like going to a natural hair show.  I enjoy going to different social events (birthday club, church...) and seeing the different hair styles. A young lady at church had her similar to the picture, but with a braid across the front.  It was really cute.

During the weekend, I also enjoyed discussing with my three sisters the different stages of their journey. "Thinking about it", "just beginning", and "natural for several years."   I have been natural for about a year.  I still have some relaxer on my ends in the back to chop.

My sister who has been natural for several years, actually styled my hair in the picture above. She added an elastic headband, then used a pick comb to lift the roots (don't pick the ends). As a newbie this was a great tip for me. The headband just disappears, and pushed the hair up.  This is great for the summer as my hair shrinks from the heat.  This is my first summer almost completely natural.  Most of my journey, I flat-ironed my hair. However, I knew that would not work that well for the summer heat. So I am excited to learn how to style my "new" hair.

While out shopping, I also met someone who wanted to know how I added texture to my hair. I use a combination of the shingle and two-strand twist to add texture.  There are great videos online that walk you through these methods.  Next week, I will give details on these methods.  Have a great week.  

You can find my Fanuppa hair products here.