Monday, October 26, 2015

FMD Phase 2 - Adding Fruit to Lunch

One of the challenges of Phase 2 of the diet is the amount and variety of food that must be consumed for lunch.  I have to eat a protein, vegetable, grain, and fruit for lunch in Phase 2.  So here are 4 ways to add fruit to lunch and it blend in, versus seeming like something extra at the end of the meal.  I find adding an apple at the end is very challenging.  So here are some ideas:
  1. GRILLED - How about grilling the fruit to make it more exciting?  Grilled mango sounds really tasty and is one of the fruits that I can tolerate.
  2. KABOBS - I have found that presentation of a dish, really does make a difference.  So how about adding some fruit like fresh pineapples to a kabob also filled with chicken, bell peppers, and onions.  I can eat pineapples if fresh and if a limited amount.
  3. FRUIT SAUCE - I could make a barbeque like sauce with pears and dried figs.  Add some rice vinegar, onion, parsley, and red peppers for kick.  I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!
  4. FRUIT SALSA - I am not a huge fan of tomato salsa. Unless it is fresh, I can't really eat it anyway.  However, I might like a fruit version occasionally.  I am thinking about combining pomegranate, blueberries, lime, onion, parsley, and cayenne to spice it up. 
This has been a public service announcement for people who find it a challenge!

    2/21/17 - UPDATE:  I found a way to fit in fruit!  I now eat figs with my lunch for Phase 2.  It works as a sauce and gives the meal a little crunch.  They are not really pretty, but taste good.

Calming the Soul Food Craving

Growing up on a farm in the South was super fun.  One of the best part was my grandmother's cooking.  I loved her biscuits, cornbread, gravy, turnip greens, fried fish, fried pies, and the list goes on!  She could make almost anything taste totally delicious, like rabbit with gravy.  I truly miss her, and she definitely inspired my interest in cooking.  She taught me how to make biscuits from scratch, and how to make the best desserts.  I think having fresh food from the farm, is possibly why I didn't know that I even had food intolerances until I was grown and moved away.

However, having food intolerances really limits my soul food options.  Below is a chart of some substitutes for some of my favorites.  Oh, for the fried pie she used sun dried peaches.  I could see this made with the golden delicious apples that I can eat.

Soul Food Category Substitute
Sweet Tea with Lemon Beverage Decaf Tea no lemon
Hot water corn bread Bread Almost Cornbread Recipe
Peach Cobbler Dessert Mango instead
Pecan Pie Dessert No corn syrup, egg pie with pecans
Banana Pudding Dessert From scratch, no yellow food coloring
Sweet Potato Pie Dessert Carrots instead
Fried Chicken Meat SAFE!!!!
Ribs Meat No pork, so chicken thighs with sauce
Fried Fish Meat SAFE!!!!
Smothered Pork Chop Meat Fry ground chicken patty with gravy
Turnip Greens Side Bok Choy instead
Macaroni  and Cheese Side SAFE!!!! - white cheeses
Sweet Potatoes Side Carrots instead
Fried Okra Side Maybe fry green beans or asparagus
Potato Salad Side SAFE!!!! - fresh and simple
Deviled Eggs Side SAFE!!!! - limit paprika
Spaghetti Side No sauce, use puree fresh tomato
Coleslaw Side SAFE!!!! - rice vinegar
Mashed Potato & Gravy Side Homemade gravy - no preservatives

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How To Make Lotion

I make my own lotion because I'm sensitive to preservatives that are in most lotion.  Also the base oils in most lotions cause me irritation.  Funny thing, it is so easy to make lotion.  You can do it while watching television!  Heat the oil and water during commercial, and shake it up while watching your television show. 
Basically lotion is a union between oil and water.  These two have to have a bond that holds them together.  Otherwise they prefer to be separate.  My bonding ingredient is a tiny amount of soap, since I have plenty of it. You may see borax used in recipes too.  I have found that soap bonds better than borax. Plus you always hear mixed reviews on its safety.  You have two teams, oil and water.  Let's begin.
4 oz. rice bran oil
2 oz. water
1 TBS beeswax
1/8 tsp. baking soda
1/8 tsp. all-natural tiny soap pieces (I used my oatmeal bar)

Measure and pour rice bran oil in a 16 ounce glass jar (the extra space will be used later for stirring everything). Next, measure and pour water in a separate glass jar (can be smaller).  Combine the rice bran oil and beeswax, and heat in the microwave for 2 minutes (add 30 seconds if beeswax not melted, check and repeat as needed). Remove from microwave and add the soap pieces so they become soft (don't worry the soap will dissolve). Set oil mixture aside and focus on the water. Heat the water in the glass jar in the microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds.  Remove the heated water from the microwave and add the baking soda (should fizz). Slowly pour the water into the oil mixture while stirring. Continue stirring for about 3 minutes.  Now place a top on the glass jar and gently shake for about 15-20 minutes (until the mixture becomes cool and turns to smooth lotion.)
All the ingredients (I only used the soap pieces in the spoon)
Early stage of combined ingredients
Mixture starting to stick to sides of jar and become smoother
We have lotion!

Early stage not smooth - don't stick to jar

Tuna Salad

Tuna Salad on slices of beets
I eat tuna on the weekend as one of my healthy fats.  I normally add a little olive oil, but note that it is high in salicylate. It is my splurge if my salicylate levels are low, and a chance to fit in some healthy fat.

1 can Chicken of Sea (Chunk White Albacore Tuna) in water, drained

Add about tablespoon each of the following:
Olive Oil (or Sunflower Oil)
Chopped Cucumber
Chopped Red Onion (use Green Onions or Leeks if sensitive)
Liquid Smoke (just 1/2 tsp. - skip if sensitive)
Rice Vinegar (about 1 tsp.)
Hummus (garlic flavor) or Olive Oil Mayo

Mix ingredients together.

I use as snack and top cucumber and beet slices, then sprinkle parsley, white cheddar, or cayenne pepper on top.  YUM!

"Cranberry" Sauce

Cranberries are very high in salicylate, so I avoid them now.  When I think of cranberries, I think of Thanksgiving of course.  However, I also think about drinking cranberry juice per the suggestion of my childhood urologist.  My food intolerances were misdiagnosed for years, so instead of the juice helping it always made me feel worse.  Here's my wonderful substitute for cranberry sauce:

1 pear (yellow and ripe for sweetness)
2 cooked beets (from Trader Joe's vacuum pack)
juice from 1/2 lime

Put in food processor and serve with your wonderful meal.   

Monday, October 5, 2015

Almost Cornbread

Almost Cornbread in skillet
1/2 cup ground sunflower seeds (update: I now use ground pecans*)
1 cup oat flour
1/2 cup cooked quinoa
1/2 cup garbanzo bean flour
1 tsp. salt
1 TBS. baking powder
2 TBS. sugar
4 TBS. butter, melted
2 eggs
1 1/2 c. buttermilk

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Mix all the dry ingredients in a food processor. Pour the dry ingredients into a bowl. Add the remaining ingredients.  Stir with a fork until all the ingredients are moist.  Pour into a greased skillet (iron is best, but a muffin tin works too). Cook until brown about 25 - 30 minutes.

*I changed the sunflower seeds because I noticed later that I am sensitive to them. They give me brain fog and a headache.  Many with salicylate intolerance can handle cashews. Ground cashews can be substituted.  I am sensitive to cashews (think histamine intolerance).  The goal is to add a little texture, and nuts and seeds also add oil to the recipe. 

Sides for Lunch/Dinner

Bok Choy cooking
Sides for me are mainly vegetables. I normally just steam them, so nothing fancy.  However, I will highlight some of the harder ones to prepare.  Also, how I jazz them up, during phase 3 when I can add some healthy fat!
Select a recipe:
Mashed Cauliflower (just boil until soft, then mash with potato masher or place food processor)
"Cranberry" Sauce (made from beets & pears)


Almost Croissants - cooked in muffin tin
I love bread, but have to limit it too to drop some pounds.  I don't really eat a lot of bread anymore.  I make sandwiches with spelt bread.  I love hot water cornbread and corn bread dressing, but had to give them up due to my sensitivity to corn.  So, I will highlight my great substitute recipes.
Cheddar Crackers - (Recipe: 1 c. rice flour, 4 TBS cold salted butter, 8 oz. grated cheddar, 3-4 TBS water, 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes) - This link (another blog) is great with lots of details and pictures.  I began using this recipe about 3 years ago, when I found that I needed to remove preservatives from my diet. Most crackers in stores are loaded with preservatives to increase shelf-life.  Use salted butter to avoid preservatives (salt is a safer preservative!). This is a great base recipe and you can add flavors and shape them as you like.
Sweet Lime Crackers - Use the recipe above, but change out the cheese and water for 1/2 cup of brown sugar and juice from one lime.
Pizza Dough - 1 cup self-rising flour and 1 cup Greek yogurt. Mix together in food processor to form dough. Super easy and great taste, but I just have to make sure that I don't over indulge since I'm sensitive to Greek yogurt. (change to an alternative flour by using 1 cup flour, 1/2 tsp. salt, and 1-1/2 tsp. baking powder - it may take a little more flour if changed, so add a little until thick - an oat and rice flour blend should work - another thought is to try this with maybe 1/2 cup rice milk and tablespoon of rice vinegar instead of Greek yogurt!).


Infused Water
I drink water 90% of the time!  Spotlighted are smoothies, shakes, and other beverages that I enjoy for breakfast and weekend.  I am hoping to make my own tea soon, so stay tuned.
Select a recipe:
Kombucha (I no longer drink it - high in sulfites. I still admire the benefits and the craft.)
Dehydrating Fruit for tea or other uses - How to link click here
Pecan Milk - How to link click here and how to make other non-dairy milks here
Infused Water (hope this works as my option as a substitute for sparkling water.

Main Entrees/Meats

Gluten Free Pizza
For me the meat or entrée is the main star of the plate! I don't eat beef and the only pork I can eat is bacon.  So mostly chicken recipes and a few other ideas.  Hope you enjoy.
Select a recipe:
Read my solutions to Southern/Soul Food here

Pasta/Rice Dishes

Brown rice with little wild rice for color
Like most people, I would eat these daily if I could.  However, the carbs add up, so I have to limit them to drop weight.  On Phase 1 (Monday and Tuesday), I get to eat lots of pasta and brown rice.  I also can do quinoa, but wild rice is limited to Phase 3.
Select a recipe below:


Egg and sausage on Almost Croissant
A spotlight of my favorite breakfasts in each of the three phases on the diet. 
Select a recipe:
Almost Croissants - fill with your favorite breakfast topping or great by itself


Butter Pecan Ice Cream
I have a serious sweet tooth. It has calmed down since following the Fast Metabolism Diet. I usually save desserts for a weekend splurge.  It is usually considered one of my "healthy fats" on the diet because I use oils, sunflower seeds, and pecans (the only nut I can tolerate due to intolerances - but you can substitute as needed). 

Click on recipe:

Enjoying Food with Food Intolerances

Chicken wings, salmon, bok choy, macaroni, squash casserole

When it comes to food, my world centers around food intolerances and balancing what I eat so that I can reach my goal weight.  I truly love the Fast Metabolism Diet.  I can still enjoy it all - protein, fruit, vegetables, grain, and health fats.  There are just rules on which days to eat certain ones.  It has been really helpful for dropping some pounds, and also helping me to regularly rotate what I eat throughout the week.  If I rotate what I eat, then I am less likely to over indulge in ingredients that may irritate my body.  So it is a win-win. Below are some links that hopefully help you with food intolerances, the diet, and helpful recipes:      Select a category below
FAST METABOLISM DIET (FMD) - these are post about my journey on the Haylie Pomeroy FMD.  Hope it helps with selecting food, grocery shopping, and more.  I can't enjoy all the foods that her diet offers, but there are so many options that winning is still possible.
MAIN ENTREES/MEATS - the main star of the plate! I don't eat beef and the only pork I can eat is bacon.  So mostly chicken recipes and a few other ideas.  Hope you enjoy.
PASTA/RICE DISHES - Like most people, I would eat these daily if I could.  However, the carbs add up, so I have to limit them to drop weight.  On Phase 1 (Monday and Tuesday), I get to eat lots of pasta and brown rice.  I also can do quinoa, but wild rice is limited to Phase 3.
DESSERTS - I have a serious sweet tooth. It has calmed down since following the Fast Metabolism Diet. I usually save desserts for a weekend splurge.  It is usually considered one of my "healthy fats" on the diet because I use oils, sunflower seeds, and pecans (the only nut I can tolerate due to intolerances - but you can substitute as needed). 
SIDES - Sides for me are mainly vegetables. I normally just steam them, so nothing fancy.  However, I will highlight some of the harder ones to prepare.  Also, how I jazz them up, during phase 3 when I can add some healthy fat!
BREAD - I love bread, but have to limit it too to drop some pounds.  I don't really eat a lot of bread anymore.  I make sandwiches with spelt bread.  I love hot water cornbread and corn bread dressing, but had to give them up due to my sensitivity to corn.  So, I will highlight my great substitute recipes.
BREAKFAST - I will spotlight my favorite breakfast in  each of the three phases on the diet. 
BEVERAGES - I drink water 90% of the time!  However, I will spotlight smoothies, shakes, and other beverages that I enjoy for breakfast and weekend.  I am hoping to make my own tea soon, so stay tuned.

Fast Metabolism Diet (FMD) Journey

Weekly Chart - click to enlarge
These are post about my journey on the Haylie Pomeroy FMD.  Hope it helps with selecting food, grocery shopping, and more.  I can't enjoy all the foods that her diet offers, but there are so many options that winning is still possible.
Select a post:

Week 2 on diet
28 days on diet
Reaching half point of goal weight!
Phase 2 - Breakfast
Phase 2 - Lunch - tips on adding fruit
Diet on budget

                                                 Starting Over - 2016!
Winning During the WEEKEND!
Weekend Pitfalls to avoid
A Successful Friday! (for Friday I do a combination of Phases 2 & 3 vs. making it totally Phase 3
For a great summary of the diet and a list of foods by phases, click this link here
Here is Haylie Pomeroy's main page about the diet, click here

Rewind - 2017!

Diet on Budget

I remember one of the first questions that I received about dieting was, "Does it cost more money?"  Well, I initially thought it didn't.  However, the more I got into it...yes it does!  I was trying new foods, and I didn't really know where to buy some of them.  Now that it has been 3 months, I am learning some things that hopefully should help me to save money. 

Buy in bulk, freeze and prepare ahead, and find the best store for the item.  Make a list of what is needed. 

Good stores: Target, Trader Joe's, Sam's